Put up or shut up!


Staff member
Here's some macro in my tank, just so you don't think that this discussion is about hating algae. Its not.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I thought that's what this was :thinking:

if so this is not the way to go about it... maybe make a post comparing the correct way vs his "other" way... and explain why his husbandry tactics are wrong.... i think that is better than bashing a member...


ive had the reff tank for over a year now and those lps are over a year old all of them except the torch i got that as a chrismas gift. that pearl bubble is almost a year and a half. I have never gotten coriline till about a month ago when i started doseing kalk. I dont know if im spelling this wirght but a friend of mine says its becasu i have a lot of phenol. also those corals eat up a lot of cal. my current cal level is 420 checked it last week. that green thing to the right of the pearl and a little up was about the sizr of my pinky finger nail. now its got a 3 around. It looks like a plate coral but has no hard skeleton it just waves in the current if anyone knows what this is let me know. Any idea on how to get the coriline to spread.


Active Member
interesting thread, by far
drkdweller. Beautiful tank by far.
A little note, you metnioned the water quality. EVERY water company in this country is required to provide "drinkable water" But that means less than many think. I have been working with water and water chemistry for years, adn can tell you that most water systems are NOT reef safe (not without first correcting a few things though).
My water is "drinkable" too, BUT I wont touch it. I am also using tap water for my system, but it comes from my mother in laws tap. I have tested both and hers is much different then ours is and we are on the same system.
Facts about drinking water:
may and probably do contain some amount of metals(what level is individual to the exact home, as much as each treatment system)
many can and do have phosphates and or nitrates
IF it is from a water company, it deinitely has levels of chlorine and flouride which both are lethal to reefs(but can be treated)
Now, my tanks are doing fine and have for years, however I wil NOT reccomend any one else do this.
As to this thread, drk, and cicny:
the impression i get is that nm is merely asking a certain individual who has been offering advice which is not only questionable but proven ill to every newcomer on this board. This is fine, but he is fairly persuasive and persistent. The only problem si we spend alot of time cleaning up after him and loosing GOOD memebers(as yourselves) over these posts. ALL that Nm is asking for is proof that this system exists and is healthy. NOT extravegant, not even thriving. Just surviving healthily. Just show us that it even exists AS POSTED. BEFORE discrediting successful tanks, proven techniques and such.
I am actually surprised that nm is just getting around to it, most members(experienced anyway) have wanted to do this themselves, but were probably worried about the consequences. Most will say this is over due.
AND I am sure that if some pictures show up that are convincng, and just healtly that this will be the end of most of our doubts and defininitely the end of any future badgerings or challenges from nm anyway.


Active Member

Originally posted by DrkDweller
I think I've " Put Up" now SHUT UP

Who exactly are you refering to with this statement.

nm reef

Active Member
I knew the risk involved when I started this challenge...I am prepared to accept the consequences. Beaslbob has taken it upon himself to attempt to convince members old and new that certain methods and practices are not only possible but should be the prefered choices. As an example I offer his often made statement that fish and corals just don't survive or do as well without the addition of plant life. Now I know thats not intended to say that we should encourage the reckless and uncontrolled growth of pest and nusience algaes in our displays...but some folks are getting the impression that is exactly what they are supposed to do. Thats the result of the posts and comments beaslbob makes....not exactly wrong information and not exactly incorrect information...but I feel its not correctly reported and/or represented. He seems tp persist and delight in exchanges and arguments that he intentionally creates and then fuels dispite being challenged and proven either wrong in his statements or contradictory in his statements. Bottom line is folks have left this site over issues related to beaslbob....folks have followed bad advice origionating from beaslbob....members are tired of the plant life methods being shoved in their faces at every opportunity.....there have been complaints and there have been requests to just get rid of him....it has become a circus and lots of folks are simply fed up with the situation...myself included.
Personally.....and I want to insure each person that reads this ...this is only my personal opinion....I believe beaslbob is nothing more than a troll...he is here to get his kicks and create diversions for his on pleasure. I don't believe he has the hobby or the creatures we keep in mind at all....he is personally attempting to create arguments and diversion for his own reasons.....he is in my opinion a troll that is intent only on creating as much trouble as he possibly can...then he sits back and laughs at his antics.
There are numerous members on this forum that are hobbyists...I don't believe beaslbob to be one of them....I wanted to see for myself and to provide the opportunity for all those concerned to see for themselves exactly what it is beaslbob has sitting in his home...the fact he has not acknowledged that request and the fact that this thread is one of the very few with his name associated to it that he refuses to participate in speaks volumes ... in my opinion.
As I started...I knew the personal risk involved when I started this challenge.......and now this chapter in my life...and possibly my involvement here is done.
You see...beaslbob has no interest in the hobby...only in the trouble he can create....later folks....its been fun......but I need to decide if I want to continue this effort ....this thread has proven to be a futile effort and sadly he will likely never put up....nor will he ever shut up.....and the forum as well as this hobby will suffer.
Later folks.:mad: :thinking: :nope: