Put up or shut up!

nm reef

Active Member
Good point bang....I agree that there are much better choices than tap...and I myself suggest a better quality water source ...but the point is BB_BS swears that tap is THE prefered choice and thats just getting old...so back to the title of the thread and maybe everybody can help me out....BB_BS show us your results....don't babble about them....don't grab quotes and preach....don't clutter legitimate threads with your words of wisdom dreamed up while sitting on the crapper....SHOW US YOUR RESULTS....
Put up or shut up should be posted every where and every time BB_BS posts a reply....since he ain't stopping here to meet the challenge lets find him and request the visual evidence of his personally highly acclaimed success....dang it I want the members he advises to see how effective his sermons are!!!!! If he ain't gonna put up here lets make a point of asking for his evidence in the form of recent pictures each time he posts....we want to "see" how effective his methods are when compared to the vast assortment of different and more common methods. Lots of folks are sick of his babble and nonsense...members want him banned...folks complain all the time...well he is here and there is litle we can do except challenge him to put up or shut up. Before a new hobbyist uses untreated tap water...altertaive types of rock...assorted substrates...shop lights...and masses of invasive macro algaes as the foundation of a new display I think members should be able to see visually what the end result of such practices are!!! Then members could decide do they want a display like the ones posted here with pride or do they want some BB_BS sitting in their home!!!! So go find him and simply request....
Put up or shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have done my part and I can do no more....he don't wanna play here and that in and of itself should say something.:yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Sometimes the best course of action is to just not start up an aquarium until you can dedicate the time & funds to do it right.

Well said. This is the one thing that is absolute, and if the price of an RO/Di fill up, and Ro top offs are of that big of a concern, then I'm sure lots of necessary things will also be too expensive.
NM, this is an excellent thread. I think alot has been accomplished with it.

nm reef

Active Member
Thank you...but all I've done is offer visual evidence of the results of methods and procedures I admire and respect...plus offer the opportunity for BB_BS to provide visual evidence of his claimed success for members to compare against the results of systems I admire....but sadly BB_BS has to date not accepted the challenge.....wonder why?!!?


i'll put up regarding my tap water experiences...i started out 6 years using tap water. i only really had FOWLR over the years and most of my fish seemed OK with the tap water.
It wasn't until almost 2 years ago when i purchased an Achilles tang and for the first year and a half i had constant problems with him (HLLE, pale coloration, eating but not really gaining weight) .
I then changed to RO?DI 2 months ago and noticed a %1000 percent improvement in the Achilles. The HLLE dissapeared scars and all, growing, depp color. My other fish also looked much better.
I attribute this improvement to swithcing to RO?DI. Tap water not only effects corals and inverts negatively but fish as well IMO.
Here's my 125gal FOWLR (no macro, bio balls, DIY hood with 1 400MH and 2 96pc's, skimmer and UV)

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice...thanks for the put up. I believe that tap water can contain metals and suppliments and potential toxins that certainly can adversely affect corals and fish. The information I've seen indicates those possibilities alone are a very good reason to consider the quality of the water source.
Your display looks very nice.....


Active Member

Originally posted by fishtanker
Hippo's color never looked better

Makes me cry.. Mine still wont come out of the Live rock!


Heres my 2 cents. I am new to this board and left my old one because of BS. This thread is BS come on are you guys adults. "Put up or shut up" " Show mw SHow me" my tanks better than yours BS is kinda dumb. YOU all sound like childeren. NM reef your a modarator you should be setting examples. not post threads like this. This thread is one big flame. All you that responded to this thread saying you know his tanks dont work. So just let it be a that. How do you think this thread makes you guys look to the new members there going to see this, and think to themselves you guys are idiots.
New hobbiest should pick up a book and read before buying any thing to start up a saltwater tank. Or get more than one opinion
I dont mean to affend anyone Im not taking sides and i really dont want to make any enemies.
BTW those systems are nice in those first pics must be nice to have money to throw like that, but for the average hobbiest we dont have. 10,000 to spent on hardware or sps that go for $20 an inch
So herses one for the average guy making $8.00 an hour
this is my put up. Tell me my tank looks like

. Because
I DONT GIVE A DAM I like my tank.
I just started this reef a year ago. the system has been up for 2 btw This is with TAP Water. Dont give Tapwater a bad rep.
Let the new guys know its do able. RO is better but Tap is ok for the poor guy. Tell them to get the ro when they can. You know the set up cost is a killer when seting up a tank for the first time. some things can be put off till later.


heres a bubble under pc lighting a wet dry with bio balls and a seaclone skimmer with tap water. btw hes closed right now when open he's 11"


Let the new guys know its do able. RO is better but Tap is ok for the poor guy. Tell them to get the ro when they can. You know the set up cost is a killer when seting up a tank for the first time. some things can be put off till later.
I agree with you on this one, but not all of the replies are flames. This thread is directed at one person, though. And he has still not "put up".


NM REEF Very nice...thanks for the put up. I believe that tap water can contain metals and suppliments and potential toxins that certainly can adversely affect corals and fish.
AS i stated in a thread before. Your water company sends out a paper that gives you the breakdown of your water in your area. As long as you know whats in it and you yourself is ok with whats in it use it if it crashs it's your own dam fault. everyones tap water is different.

mines drinkable. but ive seen some at friends houses that i say "Ill pass" IF you all would like when i have time i can wright to the water company and have them send me a paper and i wil post what's in my water. I think I've " Put Up" now SHUT UP


Banshee my point was that BB hasnt changed his ways, and i Dont think he's going to. I as well dont agree with him,but all this thread is dont is adding more BS. Im sry if i affend anyone here i just had to vent. I mean theres a lot of BS out there and alot of ppl who dont know better but. I would expect more from a modartor than to post a thread like this and egg it on and on. He's not going to put up you all know he's not so just let it be. can't we all just get along.

nm reef

Active Member
I appreciate the input and the pics...and I assure you I pursued this topic only after careful consideration. Numerous members have expressed concern and a few have left because of the negative effect and influence of a single member. This thread and the vast majority of the responses are not a flame...and as a matter of fact I have very little tolerance for flames here of any kind. The motivation behind this is not to flame or make claims that one way is better than another...the motivation is simple. BB_BS claims to have advice that allows for success he has a difficult time documenting and most of his claims are contrary to acceptable and prefered methods. Many members here fear that following the advice offered via BB_BS may lead to many more problems that it could ever prevent...so in honor of the members and in order to prevent futher loss of members I simple ask...show us your visual evidence. Nothing more ... nothing less. I have a gut feeling that what folks want in there homes is more like what you have posted pictures of and a heck of a lot less like what BB_BS can post pictures of. Your reef is the same as many others here...very nice and healthy looking and as stated numerous times ... there are countless ways to establish and maintain a marine aquarium....but some ways are more practical and problem free than others ...and all types of options should be carefully explored. I truely intend no harm...but due to circumstances created by BB_BS I feel obligated to continue to pursue "put up or shut up"


I understand that but everyone is entitled to there own opinon
Your may work for you My way works for me BB his may work for him. IT is up to erveryone to find there way. BB cant cram his way down ppls throats nither can you. We all just express our opinons and ppl decide what is best for them.
So what do you thing of my tank BTW did i put up.
Have i earnded the right to say "tap water can work,but becareful and find out whats in your water first. Get an Ro when you can afford it or if tap water works for you stay with it"