Put up or shut up!


Bang Guy... I would be happy to...the only negative is in concert to what Banshee said.....some people just take things as being "preachy" and get offended....and I'm much more in the mold of "do what you want".
You are right that if you remove enough of the PO4 in the system (unlikely though) that it could limit the macro growth...but, that is my goal. I currently have a refugium; but, I want to completely eliminate it in the future and convert it to a sort of second aquarium to keep things that wouldn't be appropriate for my main display. Most people (myself included) are running refugiums for nutrient export. I just think that the same nutrient export can be handled more efficiently with the reactor.... which, by the way, is not a new concept....this is a mainstay in many German and Japanese reefs.
I have also been experimenting with keeping my alk and ca levels to that closer to NSW levels (7-8 dkh) and (400PPM).... which is very much contrary to the current wisdom... but, has been employed in Europe for a long time. I would like to decrease my coralline population...it is a pain to clean it off the glass.... plus elevating levels above NSW seems not to be the right course to me.



Originally posted by Lutz493
Now the question is - Is buying Deltec's unit for $100 going to give me anything better then a Lifegard unit for $55 if my Tank is 55 Gallons.

Lutz493, where did you find that price for a Deltec? I have found a few UK sites that sell it, but their prices are in Pounds and more like $ US 200 for the smallest one. Any US sites?
Also, does anybody know if the Lifeguard can handly Rowaphos? I ask because I see that Deltec's says their's fluid reactors can specifically handle it.


This thread has presented a serious meat and potatoes meal of information.
As it comes with ill timing for me, I will continue to research and gather information.
I have just recieved word that I will be moving across country next year. So how much time, effort, and expense should I invest into my system? It is quite a pickle barrel that I find myself in.
Anyway I appreciate this whole process.
BB, I am quite curious about a current picture of your tank. I am not on the Ban BB Bandwagon, far from it, I am rather interested in the marco scrubber process.
Good luck all, and have a happy holiday weekend.
Ray Boemler


Active Member
Not to hijack, but Kip, I'm glad you're here. I hope you stay here. I value Your's, Bang's, NMreef's,Waterfaller's and others opinions. I could not have progressed as far as I have without reading your posts. Keep up the good work!

bang guy


Originally posted by Kip4130
... is it not still the general concensus that higher Ca and especially dkh levels lead to faster growth?

It is the general concensus. It has been proven frequently and often.
However :D Don't confuse coral growth rate, or even color with health.
I inadvertantly follow the NSW for Ca and ALK. I just don't have the bucks for a reactor but limewater keeps it around 410ppm ca and 2.5Meq/L ALK.
I would like to give a caution though. It's just my opinion, but I believe smaller systems need the added buffer of a higher ALK. Perhaps not, but smaller, less stable systems might benefit more from 3.5Meq/L ALK than the several hundred gallon systems.
This could be good stuff if anyone can figure that out.


Do a search for "fluidized bed filter" and you will get a few of sites with the Lifeguard versions, but not really anything for Deltec.


All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
It is great to read and become part of a thread that has so much decussion and info as this one has turn out to be without the constant battling and *BS* over the correct way to do something as opposed to what works best for one person.It will take me a long time to soak in all this info.It is also good to see curtain members that we havent seen in a while pop in with their expertise.I can only hope that more and more threads will develope like this one has done so newbies like myself can learn.


I forgot to say how great everyone's tanks look and hopefully with all the tried and trued methods I can post a few pics of one like these someday!


Well, I looked on Deltec's manufacturer website and see the suggested retail price on the smallest one is $191 US. So, if the Lifeguard works I would go with that for $50.


As promised.....pics of my old 75 gallon tank using "the dreaded tap water". Hey, I think I see some plant life in there too. Now, I'm not saying that this is the best looking tank out there. But, I think it is nice looking. By the way, I switched to RO/DI water and have lower nuisance algae. RO/DI is better IMO, but reefs can be kept with tap water (IMO).


how can we compare tapwater from state to state? even county to county? it's like apples and oranges. There are so many different places we get counties get there tapwater from it's amazing. I dont see how someone can tell me to use my tapwater when it's completely different from there tapwater most likely.
for example. My parents have a pond in their backyard, a pretty big size, maybe 1000 gallons approx. One day our pump started leaking and we lost almost half the water in the pond. They filled it with tapwater really fast so not to kill anything. Well by morning half our pond fish were dead. That's a lot of fish. The tapwater in most of Florida sucks horribly. i wouldnt even THINK about using tapwater in my system and that's the only story i get around town as well.



Originally posted by smickied
I am noob to the reefing world, and have learned the hard way about buying cheep.
I started with:

Why? just why? Would you squeeze a bottle of toothpaste into your tank, cause tap water is flouridated. Would you throw a piece of metal in there to just sit and rust? cause guess how tap water gets to your house. scrap together 100 bucks and buy one of those ---- RO/DI units. they work and you'll stop poisoning your tank.



Originally posted by Shouse
how can we compare tapwater from state to state? even county to county? it's like apples and oranges. There are so many different places we get counties get there tapwater from it's amazing. I dont see how someone can tell me to use my tapwater when it's completely different from there tapwater most likely.
for example. My parents have a pond in their backyard, a pretty big size, maybe 1000 gallons approx. One day our pump started leaking and we lost almost half the water in the pond. They filled it with tapwater really fast so not to kill anything. Well by morning half our pond fish were dead. That's a lot of fish. The tapwater in most of Florida sucks horribly. i wouldnt even THINK about using tapwater in my system and that's the only story i get around town as well.

Dude I feel your pain.
I lived there for 4yrs and I know for a fact that the water in that area in heavy in clorimine as well as alum and clorine. Clorimine will not just disappate with airation as clorine will, you must treat it.
They do this with most of the barrier communities...so if you live far from the source (treament facility) there is a good chance of high levels of balancing agents...that will wreak havoc upon your more delicate animals.
Email me if you are interested in a local pistol shrimp in your area. I used to collect from your location and there are some killer unique shrimps there. You wouldn't think so, but they are. 2.5-4", bright blues/greens (like an oil slick), and almost always in pairs (mated pairs)...they breed like seamonkeys.
Have a good one.
Ray Boemler

tony detroit

Active Member
I think steve meant taking a fludized bed filter(sand) from Lifeguard, and instead of using sand, use the de-phosphating product.....??? corect?


Staff member
Banshee, that is a very nice looking tank. You must have good tab water where you live! Your point about bashing on the BB is a good one too.
What lighting did you have on that tank?