Put up or shut up!


I understand that but everyone is entitled to there own opinon
Your may work for you My way works for me BB his may work for him. IT is up to erveryone to find there way. BB cant cram his way down ppls throats nither can you. We all just express our opinons and ppl decide what is best for them.

bang guy


Originally posted by DrkDweller
So what do you thing of my tank BTW did i put up.

I like your setup. I think it's going to be awesome after another year. That's not really the point.
BB has been many new hobbiests first glimpse of this site. He starts right off with "RO/DI is detrimental" and "Water changes are detrimental" and "all you need is plants" and "Crushed Oyster Shells will raise Ca". This isn't opinion, all of this is crap. It's bad advice, it's like he enjoys sabataging other peoples aquariums.
His latest is that Copper is harmless. He's being a jerk to any new hobbiest by setting them up for a fall. I think he should be banned from the New Hobbiest forum. He has done some real damage there with his quotes out of context & lies. It really ticks me off everytime I see "oh, so all I need is some plants?" from the new hobbiest after BB-BS.

nm reef

Active Member
drkdweller...I am impressed with your system...and I've never said that any of a number of methods don't work....I agree in priniciple with the stsements above in regard to BB_BS attempting to do exactly what you may believe this thread is doing...we want diversity of ipinions but we also want members to have access to diversity and all too often BB_BS hijacks threads and force feeds a ton of poor advice/information...it is because of that I have taken it on myself to ask...put up the physical/visual evidence ....there is no one way and there is no right way....but there is a point when members here say....I've had enough please stop the circus. Now I understand that this in part is a circus too...but the intention of THIS circus is to stop the fuss and simple see the results of what he is advising members to do...nothing more and nothing less...then if members see what BB_BS has created and they decide to establish systems to duplicate his results more power to them. But my feeling is that systems such as yours and the advice you may be able to offer is far more appealing than anything BB_BS can offer....and I want members here to visually see the results of BB_BS as compared to your system and the systems of numerous other reefkeepers......:thinking:


Active Member
your statement "everyone has their own opinion" I believe is true, Everyone is entitled for expressing their own opinion. But IMO BB's opinions are beyond the norm. to say the least. His persistance in his methods has lead to many fine members such as Kip to become so annoyed as to consider leaving the board. Even more so, for some reason he loves to preach is inferior methods to newbies. Bang is right BB is often people's first glipse of the board and starts them off on the wrong foot to say the least.


Active Member
Today we changed out 440 watts of vho, added 18 lbs of marshall island and did a total remodel. Tank is 135 converted from our 55 about a year ago. 770 watts vho. So while we wait, and wait, and wait for bb_bs what do ya'll think about my new look? (Corals are still withdrawn).
left side


Active Member
Thought I'd get some pics in before the inevitable diatom bloom. I don't think I'll ever have enough lr.
Right side


This thread is great. So much info, its hard to take it all in. It'll definitely be high on my list for researching different methods when we upgrade our tank. I hope others will join in and give examples of their particular set-ups. It would surely help in determining the best way for anyone to set up a tank given that everyone has diff. budgets. I know mine at this point and have no desire to change my CC to DSB, adding a fuge, changing my lighting, etc. just because ANYONE on this board says it works...for them. We havent had any probs for about 10 mos. (tank is about 14-15 mos. old). I read everyones advice and make my own conclusions, the key is do a lot of research on anything. And I agree with Dkdweller, the best advice for a noob is to go out and buy a book (I'll personally recommend The Consientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner as a good starting point) to get as much info as possible before even starting a reef. And use this board or any others to get first hand feed back from people about their experiences. No more ranting from me, just just more member input from everyone. I dont even care if bb responds anymore, I just like reading everybodys post about their system and the pics, of course. So let's forget about bb and just share our exps.
Last thing, could the mods maybe attach a disclaimer to bb posts stating something like ..."please read other post on your subject, before making a decision based on one members suggestions."
Just a thought... BTW, looks good wrasse, cant wait to see it again soon with more rock, etc.


Staff member
Drk, that is a nice looking tank. What lighting do you have there?
Kip, I'm trying to cut down on my coraline. Sick of rainbow pinks. LOL I'd love to have some green in the tank [don't get excited bob, not that kinda green]. Then it might look more like the reef.
This thread does have a lot of good conversation and gorgeous pics! That alone warrants its existence. As for flaming bob, yeah, maybe. Calling anyone bb+bs is definitely a flame in my book. Even if bob is full of bs. However, in this case the motivate of the topic is not to humiliated bob, but show others, namely new hobbyists, that bob is wrong. No one here cares about changing bob's mind or convincing him of the error in his ways. We are concerned, as Bang Guy said, about the new hobbyists who come here eagerly looking for help, excited about working on their first tank, needing help with a problem they just don’t have the skill to address, etc. and bam, there is bob, waiting like a eager vulture to fill the new hobbyists minds with all kinds of erroneous and harmful notions that no one else would ever consider.
It may be that we will simply post up a pic of bob’s tank ourselves shortly, lock up this thread and then, as necessary, link it in threads where bob posts.


Active Member
I think the whole idea is stupid... Are you guys saying that in order to give advice you have to have a great system that looks how mods would want it to look? I have seen numerous systems that I absolutely love, and they all don't have DSB's, SPS, and some even have macros in the display tank. Why should Bob be required to show a picture of his tank in every post, but everyone else doesn't have to? There are plenty of people who I feel give great advice and I have never seen there display tank... Does that mean they shouldn't be giving advice to newbies, or only if certain mods agree with it? I don't really have a display tank that I can show right now (at least one that I have paid for at my house) so do I have permission to post? And last I knew there were some members on the board who give really good advice and very helpful, but they haven't kept display tanks long term either. This has to be the most childish thread I have ever seen on any message board.


I think the point is that most of us WANT to show our displays cause we think they are beautiful. Not whether or not one way is better than an other, but rather what you want your tank to look like. We love our macro in the DT, we feel it gives it a natural look. I posted this pic earlier, but the macro is the large red bush on the right/mid.



Originally posted by Banshee
This thread is directed at one person, though. And he has still not "put up".

well duh, his methods dont work, so of course he snt gunna put up.... btw i bet he is sitting there ignoring this thread... just like you all should be doing to him... why dont you mke a sticky in everyforum saying bb doesnt know what he is talking bout...


Hey Spsaddict...thanks again for that advice for future lighting of my tank!!
I would love to see any pics of your tank...especially from someone with the educational background that you have in sps/marine biology. :joy:

bang guy


Originally posted by spsaddict
why dont you mke a sticky in everyforum saying bb doesnt know what he is talking bout...

I thought that's what this was :thinking:


Staff member

Originally posted by spsaddict
why don’t you make a sticky in every forum saying bb doesn’t know what he is talking bout...

Well, I think that was kinda what we have been tossing around. :rolleyes:
Kip there is more green on the reef than pink! Yes, there is a lot of algae on the reef too, but no tab water. LOL I didn’t mean the reef is green, but there is more green there than pink. My initial impression when I first saw a reef was, “I just left this world and entered another.”
No one here is saying that algae is bad, it has its place. I have had algae in my tank as well, which I nurtured. Many keep refugiums, but when your display looks worse than overgrown, unkempt refugiums, then any reasonable person would have to acknowledge that there is a problem, not turn around and encourage new members/hobbyists to follow in "his" footsteps. Steve's tank is astoundingly beautiful and, lets face it, most of us will never have a tank like that. The point isn't that we all have to have perfect, gorgeous tanks. But they should have visual appeal, not make us loose our dinner. And, most important, they must function well enough to be a viable environment for the life that we put in them. Might we fail? Yes, but are we going to go out of way, out of sheer stubbornness and ludicrousness, to achieve failure? Are we going to ruin our own systems while at the same time tutor others to do the same? I guess you can do what you want with your own tank, though we might not like the debasing of the hobby or the mistreatment of captive animals. But at SWF.com we don't want members that have nothing to offer but harm to find a forum here among new, enthusiastic hobbyists who come here seeking good help.
That is the point to this discussion.