Put up or shut up!


Active Member
Oh, Steves tank is awesome. I remember when he posted those...I felt like I could swim right through there. Heck, I remember when he posted a pic of the fork lift bringing his new tank in the garage. Where is he anyway?
Like I said, hopefully when the BB bs is introduced the person will see that enough well documented info has been given by other tried and true methods. And hopefully no ones undies get into bundles over the babble, because its not worth losing good people over it. REALLY its not.


Active Member
ROFL,i totally agree with you 100 pct. but i do feel a fuge with macros serves a good purpose. but in your main display? get real. you might as well go buy a barbie tank with colored substrate and call it a reef. nice pics bro


Well-Known Member
hi bb_bs here :D
excellent excellent excellent three year old system.
55g refugium, Calcium Carbonate sand and rocks. teaming with plant life in the refug and with nice purple corraline on the rocks.
I simply do not understand all the emotions here. Seems we both are saying establish plant life and have a source of calcium carbonate.



Originally posted by beaslbob
hi bb_bs here :D
excellent excellent excellent three year old system.
55g refugium, Calcium Carbonate sand and rocks. teaming with plant life in the refug and with nice purple corraline on the rocks.
I simply do not understand all the emotions here. Seems we both are saying establish plant life and have a source of calcium carbonate.

Exactly. The difference is in where you should put them.
Edit: No pun indeeded.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by blackomne
Exactly. The difference is in where you should put them.
Edit: No pun indeeded.

No problem, then set up a refugium. But get the plant life in there. As NMreef has.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Put up something comparable...or shut up!

Can you give me a couple of years?
No...show me NOW!!!!!
Or do we have to have tanks running for years before we can post and exchange ideas?:notsure:



Originally posted by beaslbob
No problem, then set up a refugium. But get the plant life in there. As NMreef has.

I am. Ordered it yesterday. And I am altering I few other things items like lights in the process. I have had some plus's with my present set-up and some negetives. I plan to take some before and after pics and give some storyline in the process as well.



Originally posted by beaslbob
Can you give me a couple of years?

You have been posting longer than the moderators there Bob.


Active Member
man this thread was great.. and full of very very nice pics. i love steve wests tank.. i like how its go so much depth to it. i wish i could put up to those pics.. i dont use the bb bs methods.. nor do i recomend them. i use only ro/di water, sump/fuge/skimmer/dsb filtration. my tank is still very new, only a few months hopefully it will come out looking like any of those posted. and ive had tons of success so far w/o a tank full of macros, tap water, and oyster shells.

bang guy


Originally posted by beaslbob
Can you give me a couple of years?

Sounds fine to me. Go away, use your methods for a couple of years, and then come back & gloat. Or don't come back & gloat, just go away for a couple of years.

nm reef

Active Member
Mines only 3 months young....I can put up...can you? Yours should be what ... a year or so....full of plant life and according to you just fine and dandy and the way to go!!!!! Put it up....show us your resulats....I am prepared to not only put up examples I admire...I'm prepared to show the results of quality water....careful selection of filtration methods...scheduled water changes...stable and controlled water chemistry....high intensity lighting....among other methods....can you put up...I can!!!!!
I'm proud of the years I lived in the Southeastern part of Missouri...where the state motto is ...

nm reef

Active Member
a disclaimer:
I ain't exactly mad...but I believe there are experiences that may allow each of us to establish a reef we can truely be proud of and I'm beginning to believe some of the advice offered and debated and discussed here may just possibly make that effort much more difficult!!!! So if you have a better way....put it up for us to see...thats all....show me!!! Don't beat a horse to death with words of wisdom....show me!!!!!



Originally posted by NM reef
Mines only 3 months young....I can put up...can you? Yours should be what ... a year or so....full of plant life and according to you just fine and dandy and the way to go!!!!! Put it up....show us your resulats....I am prepared to not only put up examples I admire...I'm prepared to show the results of quality water....careful selection of filtration methods...scheduled water changes...stable and controlled water chemistry....high intensity lighting....among other methods....can you put up...I can!!!!!
I'm proud of the years I lived in the Southeastern part of Missouri...where the state motto is ...

i agree bob either show us your tank or dont go preachin bout tap water being so great and plants being the best thing ever


Frankly BB BS does not make me mad but he does lead to me getting ideas through the numerous arguements. I just take his advice with a grain of salt and I have a very very large bag of salt, luckily.


Active Member
my tank is new.. and my no means perfect.. but ill put it up.. i thought about posting a pic of bb tank for comparison.. but thats up to him.. this tank is roughly 3 moths old..


Well-Known Member
I agree NM. But lets give the newbie's the entire picture. Most here have already seem my tank. But for the purpose of this thread why don't you post a picture of your entire setup including the sump and refugium? that way they will have the entire picture not just the display. then I will dig up my display and sump/refug and post also.
Finally why don't we both post:
what it cost to setup
what maintenance is required
what is required during vacations
what are the possible failure modes
what might happen with those failures
what must be done when those failures occur
In that way the newbie can get the entire picture. Especially the 13 year old using mom and dad's money.
then we can both be proud of our tanks and content with the knowledge the newbie has then entire picture of saltwater aquariums. And they can make an informed decision.
Meanwhile I had better get home.
Again nice pics. Sorry this is such an emotional topic. After all it is just an aquarium.



Originally posted by beaslbob
Or do we have to have tanks running for years before we can post and exchange ideas?:notsure:

Nope. However, didn't Calfo write about it taking upto 2-3 years for a tank ran without water changes to crash or atleast be incapable of sustaining sensitive life. Pretty sure he did a little rant about water changes (preferably weekly) being vital, and how a horribly setup/maintained tank can still look great for a couple years. With longterm success being the only way of indicating how well a given way worked.


Active Member
Originally posted by beaslbob
[/But for the purpose of this thread why don't you post a picture of your entire setup including the sump and refugium? that way they will have the entire picture not just the display.QUOTE]
there it is.. there is nice hunk of cheato in the fuge now.