Putting Faces to the Names


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
my other hobby.... to maintain and expand..

and finish the creek surround..

Coach, I am in awe and envy. I am calling you up next time I need a vacation.


Active Member
nope... no paintings just a lazy day outside with nothing to do...

yes thats my pool table on the lower deck as i needed room for my tank..lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonS
Me and the wife a month and a half ago :-D

You two are ABSOLUTELY a beautiful couple! SO congratulations! Tell her that I LOVE her gown! It's so perfect!
Originally Posted by psycho

here I am with my husband! then me with our yearling, and us at our prom! ohh prom.....over 4 years ago :thinking: ....I'm getting old!

You aren't old! Your wedding pictures are so beautiful, too! Congratulations! Also, I love your horsie! Oh oh, and your prom dress and the way you wore your hair is great! Beautiful pictures!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
it wont be vacation.... you could paint my deck...llol
Hahahaa!!!!!! I could paint as long as I can enjoy the view when I am done.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Me and da old lady, last month.
Beer, beer, beer...it is my friend.

which bottle is yours?