Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon


All of our fish would be happier in the ocean. Here I was debating putting a pygmy angel into a 33 cube and someone is encouraging a person to put one into a 12! The logic that a fish would be grateful for anything is absurd! How about we lock you up in a 3 by 3 feet room for the rest of your life - see how long you last.


Any size tank would just about be a 3 x 3 room to a fish that has billions of gallons of water. We are talking about fish here Dmitry not humans. And if the fish is not grateful for anything, like you stated, then what differance does it make if he is in a 12 or 100? BTW who said anything about a fish being grateful?


Active Member
Thats silly, there is a big difference in a 12 and 100 gal. Active smaller fish , if given the choice would choose 100 gal over 12, just as we would choose a 15x15 ft room over a 3x3 room. Unfortunetly we need to choose what is best for our fish since they cannot, thats being a responsible pet owner. You will never convince they don't care. I saw my pygmy circling constantly while awake, in a farris wheel motion for a full month in my 15 galH. He made me dizzy. I couldn't stand it any more so I had to either put him in my 150 with my flame angel or buy a new tank for him, I chose a 55 gal, and am very glad i did. No more circling
It ended the day i put him in his new tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
I agree, 20long minimum (would say 29g, but same footprint i believe)
yes the 20 L is less then an inch shoter.
i thinkit like half or something like tht.
does anyone disagree with a Pygmy Angelfish in a 20 L?
jw if u kept it stocked low. i think it ould be ok. what do u guys think


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I think no smaller then a 29 JMO.
i know what ur saying.
but the 20 l annd 29 have the same length but isnt as tall..
maybe im missing something but isnt a 20 l with rock and a 29 with lr almost the same thing?
or would u not want to put a lot of lr in the 20 l for swimming?
not trying to argue just wondering.


Some people just dont get it. What I am trying to say people is that there is nothing that can compare to the natural habitat of any fish. People act like it is a crime to put certain fish in certain size tanks. Yes I agree that certain fish will do better in larger tanks but I just cant get over how people want to act like the world is about to end when someone wants to put a particular fish in a 12 gallon tank. People are going to do it ANYWAY no matter what anyone says. I am here to tell you, if I want a tang in a 20 gallon tank then I will spend MY money and do it. To all the " tang police " and everyone else that wants to save the world.....CHILL OUT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyG
Go for it
Sure, if you want to overload your bio-filter, have an aggressive fish in an unsuitable habitat, and want to add a fish that will potentially eat your corals....


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyG
.... People are going to do it ANYWAY no matter what anyone says. I am here to tell you, if I want a tang in a 20 gallon tank then I will spend MY money and do it. To all the " tang police " and everyone else that wants to save the world.....CHILL OUT.
Fishy, you'll find this forum has a lot of great aquarists who care about the hobby, conservation, educating new hobbyists, and the well being of our pets.
No one on this thread needs to "chill out" other then you. You told a new member to the forums completely inaccurate information. For whatever reason you came into this thread with a chip on your shoulder (Tang comment) looking for a fight. Please don't hijack a thread looking for a fight.


Originally Posted by FishyG
Some people just dont get it. What I am trying to say people is that there is nothing that can compare to the natural habitat of any fish. People act like it is a crime to put certain fish in certain size tanks. Yes I agree that certain fish will do better in larger tanks but I just cant get over how people want to act like the world is about to end when someone wants to put a particular fish in a 12 gallon tank. People are going to do it ANYWAY no matter what anyone says. I am here to tell you, if I want a tang in a 20 gallon tank then I will spend MY money and do it. To all the " tang police " and everyone else that wants to save the world.....CHILL OUT.
Dude...It boils down to quality of life, not about money. Yes the fish/corals/inverts that we spend our money on is our own business, but we owe this much to our livestock to make them as comfotable as absolutely possible. As you said some people just don't get it.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Fishy, you'll find this forum has a lot of great aquarists who care about the hobby, conservation, educating new hobbyists, and the well being of our pets.
No one on this thread needs to "chill out" other then you. You told a new member to the forums completely inaccurate information. For whatever reason you came into this thread with a chip on your shoulder (Tang comment) looking for a fight. Please don't hijack a thread looking for a fight.
I didnt come in with a " chip". I love fish keeping and have been a successful one for about 25 years. I stand behind what I say and always will. I have yet to have one of my fish tell me it was unhappy. I debated this years ago probably before you was ever on this site and can see nothing has changed. Good luck


New Member
We aint supposed to have angels in small tanks?

I say this cause I have had a healthy Emporer in my 16gal for over 2 years now.


Be careful of what you say here InFishWeTrust, you did not know it was against the law to have that fish in a perfect size tank? Oh, you are going to get hammered! BTW, I love your post.


Active Member
Fishyg, you better check your house... someone is using your computer to post when you aren't looking. I say this because the IP address for "Infishwetrust" is the same as yours....
2 things you need to know... First, setting up a fake account and posting will get ya added to the ban pile. Don't do it again. Second, if you have to set up a fake account to have a conversation with yourself you're argument is pretty weak....


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Fishyg, you better check your house... someone is using your computer to post when you aren't looking. I say this because the IP address for "Infishwetrust" is the same as yours....
2 things you need to know... First, setting up a fake account and posting will get ya added to the ban pile. Don't do it again. Second, if you have to set up a fake account to have a conversation with yourself you're argument is pretty weak....


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Fishyg, you better check your house... someone is using your computer to post when you aren't looking. I say this because the IP address for "Infishwetrust" is the same as yours....
2 things you need to know... First, setting up a fake account and posting will get ya added to the ban pile. Don't do it again. Second, if you have to set up a fake account to have a conversation with yourself you're argument is pretty weak....
No need to check my house, I am at work and several people here frequent this site and probably having some fun. Dont change the subject. As far as being banned, been banned before because of people like you never admitting when they might, just might be wrong. So be it. Peace