So Iv had the 29 gal for 5 weeks now. Everything is going great! I have had no fish die.. they have been in there for a week or so. Water peramiters are awsome all so far. Everything is good. My question is this:
since im trying to work my way up to some corals how long shold I wait to try an easy one out in my tank?
I know its been only 5 weeks, I was thinking of giveing my set up another month before trying one easy coral and see how it gose. Should I wait longer? Or put one in now? Need some help form coral people here
since im trying to work my way up to some corals how long shold I wait to try an easy one out in my tank?
I know its been only 5 weeks, I was thinking of giveing my set up another month before trying one easy coral and see how it gose. Should I wait longer? Or put one in now? Need some help form coral people here