Question about corals


So Iv had the 29 gal for 5 weeks now. Everything is going great! I have had no fish die.. they have been in there for a week or so. Water peramiters are awsome all so far. Everything is good. My question is this:
since im trying to work my way up to some corals how long shold I wait to try an easy one out in my tank?
I know its been only 5 weeks, I was thinking of giveing my set up another month before trying one easy coral and see how it gose. Should I wait longer? Or put one in now? Need some help form coral people here :)


Active Member
To be on the safe side, I'd wait another month. If the fish are doing well and the water parameters remain good, you're all set. :D


Active Member
pssh.. just go get a mushroom :p it'll live.. and if it doesnt.. then you know something is R E A L L Y wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
pssh.. just go get a mushroom :p it'll live.. and if it doesnt.. then you know something is R E A L L Y wrong.
I heard that!



ok I caved, Iv been patent with everything so far, but I sliped.. I got a small rock covered in star polops.. acclimating now. It was on sale 13 bucks for a rock coved about half the size of my fist. If they die will it hurt my tank?


Well thanks for the suport :) you guys seem more up beat then alot of people lol. Also I just noticed I have a bonus coral on the rock.. Not shure what it is, I was looking though some of the pics on this site in the corals section and it looks like a green brain more then anything. Its sort of blue green, with the shape of an open brain. about the size of my pinky nail. Wish I had a the means to take a picture. There was a guy from kent marine products there at the store today, hes there for the big sale thing they are haveing. He is suposadly some kind of marine biologist and he recomended the star polops. Also talked me into buying some kent marine "phytoplex" to to feed the coral and some kent marine "essentia elements" to put in my tank. Do any of you guys use these products? I got the fealing he was a used car salesmen by day and a marine biologist by night though lol.


Active Member
I use them both. There is another good phytoplankton product on the market (DT's) which is live.. you'd keep it refridgerated (it being live will make it better than kents.. but not by enough to worry about it).
The essential elements are trace elements. Depending on how often you do water changes you'd want to add this once a week to once every other week (the more you change the less you'll want to add this product).
Some other products you should check out if you havent already is Tech-I or Iodine from Kent, and im sure you're already using Calcium but if you're not.. I use Tech-CB parts a and b (you gotta have both!) and they seem to work very well for me. You may also want to use Pro Buffer DKH to keep your PH in check. Iron suppliment will help any plants, coraline algae, and animals with symbiotic algae growing inside them (Anemones, most corals, etc).
etc etc etc - Enjoy@once


I havent been putting Calcium in my tank but I was thinking I should start to help boost the corline algie growth. Ill check out the products you have sugested. Thanks, Ill jump over to my other thread now that you are posting on lol. Thanks for the help


Well I put the coral rock on the bottom of the tank (I was thinking I would put it low at first and let it get use to the lights before I put it where I want it) its been in there about 2 hours and only 2 of the fans have come out.. should I be worried about this? If you have been in my other thread you know I have a small ammonia spike happening also, so im worried about the coral. How long will it take for the thing to decide its safe to come out in normal conditions? :jumping:


Active Member
I set my star polyp around the mid level of my tank when I first introduced it, took about 2-3 days before a good amount of polyps came out and about 2 weeks before it started looking REALLY good. Its not unusual for corals to take a little time before they come out completely.. very common in fact.


Theres about 4 or 5 out now in the last 20 mins, I supose thats a good thing :) Ill have to get some more additives like iodine and cal for him soon. Should I try and feed him now or wait till hes out and about more? Im a little worried about the ammonia still, will the solution I got for him add to the problem? Also I have a baster I was planeing to use to feed him. I was thinking a few drops of the stuff and some tank water then just sort of baste him with it gently. Good idea?


Active Member
I believe your star polyps will enjoy having iodine and good lightning more than being fed right now.. use a bottle of phytoplankton once it comes out more and continue using it as directed!
Star Polyps are one of the hardiest corals out there.. if you're really worried about the ammonia just go buy some ammonia detox for now.


Ill get some Iodine, Last night It came almost all the way out so I fed it some of the solution. Im going to get some suplements today for the tank, Some Cal and some Iodine.


do not add iodine if you do water changes at least 2x a months or if you don't have a test kit for it. too much iodine is bad for your system


Active Member
Use Tech-I. It is safe and you dont have to bother testing at all. Even if you do regular water changes you should still add Iodine!


where did you read such an informative idea, Speg. 1st of all, if you have a nano, you do not add anything accept Ca [and only after testing for it 1st]. in bigger set ups, when you do a water change, you atomaticly replenish most of the trace elemnts, so no need to add any more. its true that your skimmer takes iodine out of the system, but unless yuou test for it, there is no way to tell.


Active Member
Straight from the bottle of Tech-I
"Tech-I provides free iodine and iodide immediately, and a time release system continues to provide available iodide over several weeks. Test kits will not read the timed release iodide, and may not register the free iodine. Tech-I is very safe and testing is neither required nor recommended."
enjoy@once :rolleyes: