question about detritus

so im new to this cuz im new to salt tanks. I asked before how to get it off but i dont have a turkey baster until next weekend. If it just sits there will it get to the point where it wont come off? also should i stir the sand where it comes? all i have in the tank right now are 4 nassarius snails, a sexy shrimp, and a green clown goby. What is your recommendation? its only a 5.5gallon


Active Member
Can't you just syphon it off when you do a water change? Get a small syphon hose from your local hardware store so you don't syphon a lot at one time and just move around the tank with it cleaning the detritus. You could do a gl a week and thereby accomplishing 2 tasks in one. Water change and tank cleaning.


Active Member
Yeah, it doesn't cake on, IME, or anything. You can siphon it, but once you do get a turkey baster it will be much easier when it is suspended in the water column.

bang guy

If you have detritus just sitting around then you need more waterflow. Saltwater is a high energy environment.
i was able to brush a good amount off the rocks and turned my filter on full power and im going to let it run like that for a bit. I needed to do something because im almost out of gas and wont be able to buy any materials until i go home next weekend. It seems to have worked. I also managed to get a bubble algae to pop off the rock with a toothbrush, so thats under control too : D