Question about Starfish

lady becca

We are thinking about adding a starfish to our 75g tank.
We "were" looking into the brittle stars, but we have recently read that they eat fish.
Has anyone here had troubles?
What other types of starfish do you recommend?


Maybe dead or sick fish. I have two in my Fish and Invert tank.
No issues but I rarley see them . They only come out at night.


Active Member
We had to remove a green brittle star from our tank due to his fish eating activities. He wasn't a problem when he was small, but once he got larger, fish suddenly were on the menu. We lost several firefish to him as well as a chalk basslet.
Please keep in mind that starfish are very sensitive and need a mature and stable tank in order to do well. Also, some types have very specific diet or care requirements, so be sure to do lots of research on any species you consider before you buy it.
Hope this helps!


Active Member
The green brittle are supposed to be the fish munchers. The others tend to be less aggressive.

bang guy

I agree, just stay away from the Breen Brittles if you have small fish.
Try the Red or Burgundy Brittle Stars. Very helpful and you'll see them all the time. Just remember to acclimate starfish for a long time using the drip method.