fish master
i was going to put this in allysis thread but didnt want to change here goes. ive been married to my wife for 5 years. she has 2 great kids. i get along with them great, it took me a while, because they thought i was replacing their dad, but finaly we have bonded. ive explained to them iam not replacing their dad. stepson is 12 and stepdaughter is 10. both are about 2 years more mature than other kids their age. stepson is in 5th grade, pretty much an a student. never gets in trouble in school. star player on basketball and football team. teachers sends notes home to us telling us how he helps out other kids that are having trouble. teachers love him. then out of the blue, he does something terrible in school. iam not going to say what it is but it was very bad.they kicked him out of school.wife went to school to talk to them. they decided it was out of his character to act like that, so let him come back the next day. ok now here is problem, my wife and i had this major fight over his grounding. so she called exhusband and talked about punishment. they grounded him the same way they do when hes being mean to sister or smarting off. no tv or video games. i thought it should be more severe, like maybe take him out of sports, until he learned what he had done was very bad. but my wife went with her exhusbands decision. they even let him play in football the day he was kicked out of school. we got in a major fight. she told me she would always pick the kids dads decision on disiplin over mine. maybe iam old school, but the kids live with us 26 days out of the month, and are with their dad 4 days a month. doesnt seem right that i dont have any say so. so anyone with step kids, tell me if i was out of place and should stay out of it.