Question about stocklist


Ok, so i have a 90 gallon, with around 90 lbs lr, and 150+ lbs live sand, and in my tank i have a
hippo tang (size of a quarter)
percula clown (same size)
mandarin dragonette (full grown, and obese)
yellow tang (about 2 inches),
6 line wrasse(1.5 inches)
bicolour anthias (3 inches)
Invert list:
1 coco worm
5 large feather dusters
1 tube anemone
2 cleaner shrimp
1 arrow crab
2 decorator crabs
5-10 hermits
50 assorted snails
Ok, my 2 tangs are tiny, and i know they will outgrow the tank, and when they do i can put them in my parents 6ft tank, or just bring them back to the lfs, dont worry i will not have 2 8" tanks in a 90. But my question is, how does this stock list look? im looking at getting another true perc, and about 3 more cleaners. at what point will i max out my bioload, and any suggestions on another fish to get


Active Member
I wouldn't add anything else.
If you MUST add something, make it small like a firefish, blenny, pseudochromis or basslet, etc.


I've never seen a blue tang the size of a quarter but, i think he would be fine in the 90 for 2-3 years if he is that small.


Active Member
You haven't stated the age of your tank and your water paramaters.
There is no exact number. Each tank is a little differenent.
Rule of thumb is for a newer tank 5" per gallon and well established tank maybe 3" per gallon. That is counting the adult size of the fish Not what they are now. And then you just really watch your water para. and make sure you can keep them in check. If you start having problems with that you are overstocked. Better to go with less then more. All it takes is one fish too much and you can start a change reaction.


I think he means 1" per 5 gallons. I would hate to see a 4 foot fish in a 10g tank.
Originally Posted by mcbdz
There is no exact number. Each tank is a little differenent.
Rule of thumb is for a newer tank 5" per gallon and well established tank maybe 3" per gallon.


well my tank is actually about 2 weeks old, but remember i upgraded from my 45, meaning i used my old water, sand, rock, etc