Ok, so i have a 90 gallon, with around 90 lbs lr, and 150+ lbs live sand, and in my tank i have a
hippo tang (size of a quarter)
percula clown (same size)
mandarin dragonette (full grown, and obese)
yellow tang (about 2 inches),
6 line wrasse(1.5 inches)
bicolour anthias (3 inches)
Invert list:
1 coco worm
5 large feather dusters
1 tube anemone
2 cleaner shrimp
1 arrow crab
2 decorator crabs
5-10 hermits
50 assorted snails
Ok, my 2 tangs are tiny, and i know they will outgrow the tank, and when they do i can put them in my parents 6ft tank, or just bring them back to the lfs, dont worry i will not have 2 8" tanks in a 90. But my question is, how does this stock list look? im looking at getting another true perc, and about 3 more cleaners. at what point will i max out my bioload, and any suggestions on another fish to get
hippo tang (size of a quarter)
percula clown (same size)
mandarin dragonette (full grown, and obese)
yellow tang (about 2 inches),
6 line wrasse(1.5 inches)
bicolour anthias (3 inches)
Invert list:
1 coco worm
5 large feather dusters
1 tube anemone
2 cleaner shrimp
1 arrow crab
2 decorator crabs
5-10 hermits
50 assorted snails
Ok, my 2 tangs are tiny, and i know they will outgrow the tank, and when they do i can put them in my parents 6ft tank, or just bring them back to the lfs, dont worry i will not have 2 8" tanks in a 90. But my question is, how does this stock list look? im looking at getting another true perc, and about 3 more cleaners. at what point will i max out my bioload, and any suggestions on another fish to get