question about xenia..

i went to one store and they have a xenia where it opens and closes like a fist..and keeps doing that.. then another store.. it doesnt do that.. so should all healthy xenias be doing what its doing at the first store..?


Active Member
Xenias are a bit finiky but yet hearty coral, IMO. The two tanks probably didn't have the same water perameters or same lighting. I would guess that the store that had the xenias that were pulsing, maintained the water quality a bit more and may have had stronger or newer lights. Probably also kept pH and alk levels up where they belong(pH=8.2-8.3 & alk=8-12 dKH). Alk and pH levels are what i beleive is the main factor in helping xenias pulse. I have personaly not witnessed many xenias pulse at a LFS. HTH
but the thing is the store with the xenias not opening and closing continuously..has stronger lighting.. and better parameters,,then the other..

bang guy

Greeting fellow Banggai fan :D
I've seen perfectly healthy Xenia not pulse under the following three conditions:
1 - High current
2 - Low Alk
3 - The Great great grand-clone of a propogated Xenia
I can't explain any of the above conditions, but that's what I've seen.
I think I read that the xenia pulse to keep water flowing for a good supply of oxygen. Xenia in higher current and once established in an aquarium stop pulsing.
I was also told something similar by a pet store owner.