question for the experts


Are additives/supplements necessary to maintain a healthy reef? Things like coral accel, coral vite, essential elements etc… by kent marine and other makers. I don’t add a darn thing to my tank, besides DT and b-ionic part 1 and 2. I’ve used these products in the past and notice no change in coral growth or health. Is this just a waste of money??? I do bi-monthly water changes.


:happyfish Well I'm no expert like the moderators, but I do know that you do need calcium and stronium and iodine at least. I use the powdered kind, because it lasts longer, and I use lugols iodine, because it lasts longer too. I don't like using the liquids because in my opinion they aren't dosed high enough, and aren't fresh, and also they can get expensive in the long run. The powdered kinds like sechem are more expensive up front, but WAY cheaper in the long run. I get a powdered calcium and carbinate mix and stronium and do essential elements, and use the lugols iodine. Your live rock and sand or crushed coral does keep your calcium on the chart but not like it would if you were adding addatives. This is SOOO important to do. I hope you listen to my advice, and start adding the chemicals again. -ali


measure my ca and alk weekly, and is usually up there on the charts. i only dose lugols when a water change is done. other then that, nothing else.... what i really need is to buy a stronium and iodine test kit.
thanks for you reply


supplements are not needed and a lot are a waste of money like you mentioned. To see the biggest improvment in health and growth, up your water changes to weekly or bi-weekly. That will make a huge improvement.
BTW: I have yet to find a iodine test kit that works.


this is where i guess everyone has their own opinion. i heard from some before that a regular water change is all thats need, aside from dosing alk and ca. What i'm really looking for is someone that has a mature tank that is doing well with sps, soft corals etc... cant go wrong with following this persons reef caring methods.


I appologize for giving you information that you did not want to hear from a person that you do not believe is to be
someone that has a mature tank that is doing well with sps, soft corals etc

I guess I will go back to my measly SPS tank and shut up now.


sorry.... thats not what i meant. :sleepy: just didnt come out right.
so, is that your recommendation? do up the water change and maintain ca/alk levels?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
stop the lugols... cold turkey.. just put it away and forget about it unless you wanna bathe new corals in it
ESPECIALLY dont add lugols right after a water change. I learned my lesson the hard way with iodone back in december-january
only thing i use in my 3 tanks is kalk 24/7, a shot of b-ionic here and there... and water changes
after i get rid of the last of my DT's, i wont even use that anymore
then again.. if juaringer isnt qualified to answer... i dont know if i am either.

Kip said it... and feel free to check out the threads on my systems to see if I'm qualified:D ... just kidding. If you look at the vast majority of beautiful systems you will get the same answer; calcium, alkalinity, and water changes. In my 54 all I dose in kalkwasser through a Nilsen reactor... no other supplements. My sps/clam system has a Nilsen also on top of a calcium reactor and that's it. I assure you that my 65 has more stony corals than most, and still no need for any garbage additives...
On a side note to make you feel even better Kip, I dropped the DTs a while ago and no difference, even with all of my clams...


heheheh, thanks guys! one question, if you drop the DT, what are you feeding your corals with?
by the way, you got some awesome ricordeas! very nice tank... how often do you do water changes and how much of the water?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by calvindo
heheheh, thanks guys! one question, if you drop the DT, what are you feeding your corals with?

Over 1300 watts of light!!:D There are many microscopic things that arise in our tanks that may or may not be eaten by some corals. Good water parameters, flow, and light are all that is really necessary though. If phytoplankton does offer benefits, to me they weren't noticable...
I change about 15 gallons of water about every two weeks on both systems...


coolio! i got rid of most of my lr and softies a month ago, just to (hopefully) get my tank to look like yours!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
i have come to the conclusion that running the magnetic algae scraper across the front glass once or twice a week is the same as dosing DTs

Another good point...

bang guy


Originally posted by calvindo
heheheh, thanks guys! one question, if you drop the DT, what are you feeding your corals with?

Corals don't eat DTs. DT's can be used to feed small crustaceans and those crustaceans, worms, etc (or their larvae) feed the corals. Most reef tanks (but not all) have plenty of food already present to feed these coral foods. If you want to feed your corals directly then try golden pearls.


:happyfish Hey guys, great info here! Where can I get golden pearls or frozen cyclopeeze for coral feeding? Can I get it here or is there some other place. Please email me at if you know of a place that I can get it at other than Thanks, ali