Question for the Gals...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
lol, i knew i should've worded it better... lemme rephrase..
that little battery-powered item is better for us than your one item is for you... get it? ours is better than yours... hehehe
And i'm going to start trying that knox stuff... does it make you gag or anything?

Mine is free................what does yours cost?


Active Member
AW2 thanx for the scope-out!
Madison...I'm going to the supermarket today. I shall try this stuff....with much trepidation. ***)
how long would u say it takes to see results?


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Mine is free................what does yours cost?
doesn't matter, mine's better... why would you give up a woman for something that only does it half as good? I can give up my man for something that does it twice as good... ok now this is waaayy off topic, and getting too into detail, so i'm done (and right...).


7 to 10 days...2 packets a day...AM and's also full of vitamins and sometimes it acts like a meal replacement...keep you full of hours :)

No comments from you little piggies!


My friends grandmother was on it for even started to clear up her "wooden toe nail"
Picture that before you perv's make anymore comments


Active Member
There are SO many things in Madison's posts, that I dont even know where to begin.


..........Bottom line you all...............
I have batted both ways...and the final conclusion is that men are cute and they all have their good and bad qualities just like us women!
They difference is that physically we are all built different...BUT... there are very good...sometimes better subsitiutions out there for men
and there's no subsitiution for the softness and the pretty smell of the hot chick!
Don't be afriad to start AW2

***) ***)


Active Member
ive got a solution, how bout all u girls just ware gloves and socks 24/7 and no 1 will notice bad nails...
and can some1 explanie to me the battery joke??? im only 13 is that the reason i might not get it??

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
ive got a solution, how bout all u girls just ware gloves and socks 24/7 and no 1 will notice bad nails...
and can some1 explanie to me the battery joke??? im only 13 is that the reason i might not get it??
Yes, you are to a couple years you will know. I keep forgeting there are youngsters on this board. Time to get clean again.


i'm not comfortable explaining the battery thing to a 13-year old... sorry!!!
and madison, my hubby has a "wooden toenail"... it's so weird, and i have no idea what it's from, but it's just on one of his toes... now that i know other people get it, i'm not so weirded out... but it's still disgusting!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madison
Don't be afriad to start AW2

***) ***)

Due to the other statements, made by you, in that post...I'm afraid I cant. See, I'd just become infatuated and then fall in love and then inevitably be rejected and my poor heart just cant handle that.


I rather get burnt trying rather then wondering what if....and....if you get burnt....step back and learn from your mistake...DON'T DO THAT AGAIN


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madison
I rather get burnt trying rather then wondering what if....and....if you get burnt....step back and learn from your mistake...DON'T DO THAT AGAIN

Ok...when are we getting married?

I'm not the "I wont say anything cause I dont want to get rejected" me. lol What's the worst a woman can say...."No"?...that's not so bad.


Active Member
Well, Mimzy...I'm sorry to report: She said that her's just naturally grow perfect. lol She said all she does is cut and file and that's it. Sorry I couldnt be of further assistance.


AW2 please poet your 2003, 2004, 2005 W2's...we can sit down over some coffee and go over your portfolio...then...we can talk marriage


and there's no subsitiution for the softness and the pretty smell of the hot chick!
Oh my I'm afraid that we're going to get into such trouble soon! :hilarious I gotta totally agree with the above statement though!! It's like really loving chocolate ice cream and vanilla, both are great but when you really want one the other just isn't quite the same