I'm not a lady but I'll pass along some advice my jeweler gave me.
He said as far as quality goes you don't need a museum quality piece. It's pointless. If you get something in the clarity scale of IF (internally flawless) down to VVS2 even VS1 you're fine. None of these are inclusions you can see with the
eye. I certainly wouldn't go down to the SI1's but you'd be fine with any of the above. Go to your jeweler and take a look at them between IF and VS1. I promise, unless you have a loop to your eye you will not tell the difference. Even the VS1's are very nice.
F , IF, VVS1, VVs2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2, I3
(nice range.....................)(ok range....) (dremel tool range)
As for color I'd go anywhere between D and I maybe J no K's or below.
(D, E, F,) (G, H, I, J),( K, L, M),( N, O, P, Q, R),( S, T, U, V etc....
(colorless)(near colorless)(Faint yellow)(verylightyellow)(light yelloww) etc.
It's not as if you're trying to pull something over on her (or him??) Gotta be PC
it's that diamonds are so personal and you need to find one your happy with. Ask your jeweler if he's honest and you have a good relationship with him he'll probably tell you the same thing. Hope it helps