Question on nitite/trates


I have a 225g sw tank, my salt in 1.021/1.022 ammonia 0, ph 7.8, nitrite .25 nitrate 5-10.
I have api P.H. 8.2 it says add a you know what they mean by a scoop????
I also have Amquel+....I think I should add that, just looking for confirmation, and need to know if I should raise salt.
I have a colt coral,3 (different) tangs, 2 clowns, 4 chromis, 1 lawnmower, 2yellow clown gobies, 1 firefish, 1 dragon goby, 1 yellow tail damsel, 2 domino damsels, snails, hermits, peppermint shrimp. Everyone seems to be fine, except for the coral beauty that died this morning (it was new)
I have a cascade 1500, and a Magnum 350 canister filter
seaclone protein skimmer
a Koralia, and a Powersweep pump
about 150 lbs live rock, and over 200 lbs sand
a Coralife 72" light w/10,000k bulbs +actinic
I am sure I am forgetting something.....
I do not have live plants yet, I am waiting for them to arrive(I hear they help with nitrite/trates)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You don't say how the tank was cycled, or how long ago. The rise in nitrites indicates that something died in your tank, or there was too much food added, and it is decaying and producing nitrogen wastes that are being converted. Another possibility, if your tank is well cycled and you haven't added anything major lately, is that your test kit is wrong. Take a water sample to your lfs and have them re-run the tests. Amquel+ will detoxify nitrite, but the dose will be expensive in a tank as large as yours - I would first verify that there is a problem.


I added live rock and sand, and Instant Ocean Bio Spira...the tank is about 3 months old.
The problem with all the rock is, if something does have to hope the shrimp or crabs eat it cause you will never find it.
I have amquel + and for my size tank it say I should add about 4 ounces....what about the P.H.? Do you know how much of that I should add?


Well-Known Member
Don't add any pH adjuster until you can measure the pH - get a kit for that, too. In a 3 month old tank as large as yours it would take a farily large death to put the nitrites where you say they are, and you would have noticed ammonium first. I think you really need to verify that your nitrite kit is accurate before you do anything. Your tank might be in perfect shape.


Could live rock cause nitrites to rise w/o ammonia raising first??? And I have an API saltwater master kit. I tested ph and it reads 7.8


Active Member
exactly your first thread ever i think i found it on someones profile that must not have been on here a long time just laffin cause im so bored i looked up a 2 year old thread


Active Member
2 years = 23K posts? OMG are you a spammer?
In my best of days as a spammer I got to 5K posts on another board in1 year. How on earth did you double that?


Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/333222/question-on-nitite-trates#post_3319549
2 years = 23K posts? OMG are you a spammer?
In my best of days as a spammer I got to 5K posts on another board in1 year. How on earth did you double that?
I always have a computer around me for one.....I'm Italian and from NY, that makes me a talker too

JOKIN about reality it's pretty boring here in Oklahoma

jokin about that too......Now do you see why I have so many.....


Active Member
I wanted to see what the people that post so much were like back when they were new now to Btld then other emps in their post