Questions For The EXPERTS...

Originally Posted by mboswell1982
you'll get it under control man, its just gonna take a lil time, it just sucks to see such a nice display as yours was come down with that crap, sorry to hear about it an i hope everything pulls through ok
Yeah it's just a headache right now. It could have been avoided but oh well. I know I put way too many fish in the tank too fast and I will chalk it up to a lesson learned. I've learned everything the hard way so far anyways. Makes things a bit complicated at times but it makes it a definate learning experience, that's for sure.
I have 2 huge skunk cleaners, about 20 huge turbo snails and around 20 large hermits in the DT with the LR. I guess they are ok to live in the tank as long as the fish are all out?


Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Surely I will and I thank you in advance for your answers. I mixed up 20 gallons of 1.009 water today...I also found another 10G I think I am going to setup in my closet (it's HUGE) just in case...
1- Flame Hawfish 2.5"
1- Blue Hippo Tang 3"
1- Cleaner Wrasse 3"
1- Coral Beauty Angel 3"
1- Sixline Wrasse 2"
1- Neon Goby .75"
1- Pink Spotted Shrimp Goby 3"
2- Engineer Gobies 2"
2- False Percula Clowns 2"
Put the hippo, CB, engineers and sixline into the 29. That leaves the pair of clowns, cleaner, flame hawk, and two shrimp gobys in the 20.


Active Member
how many qt tanks do u have up right now that are cycled? a 20 an a 10 right? an u got the 29 on the way an another 10, correct?


Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
I forgot I have a clown goby, since he is all of 1" long and stays hidden all the time!
He needs to come out too or he will become the only host real quickly. If the 29 is not ready yet then try to put two bigger fish in the 20 and split up the smaller guys between the two. Test the ammonia and nitrite daily. Be ready to do some changes.
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
how many qt tanks do u have up right now that are cycled? a 20 an a 10 right? an u got the 29 on the way an another 10, correct?
Yeah. The 29 is close to being cycled, the 10 is not. I don't think I really need 4 tanks but I think it will be easier to split the fish up which will cause them less stress and less water changes for me.
Originally Posted by sepulatian

He needs to come out too or he will become the only host real quickly. If the 29 is not ready yet then try to put two bigger fish in the 20 and split up the smaller guys between the two. Test the ammonia and nitrite daily. Be ready to do some changes.
I am going to get him out too. I forgot about him but I know which piece of rock he is always hiding in so he won't be hard to find. I have tons of containers so I guess I might as well mix up some more. I'm sure none of it will go to waste.


is it ok to use gravel and an undergravel fitration for a qt tank?
as long as the parameters and salinity is good, is there anything else that is going to make a significant difference on a qt tank, i mean, i don't want to go out and purchase a new vho light for a qt tank, suggestions, comment?


Active Member
undergravel filtration is extreme old school, hardly anyone uses them anymore, especially in SWF keeping, how big of a QT tank are you wanting? you're prolly better off with a really good, possibly even 2-3, HOB filters


Active Member
LKG, have you considered getting rid of all those little QT's and getting a legitimate QT? IME, a 55gal is perfect, it's large enough that is suitable enough to house larger fish, that Hippo will be delighted to be in there instead of the 29gal, and able to keep multiple fish in QT. Yet it's not that big, 10gal water changes still affect parameters, and the tank itself is pretty cheap. I think they can be had at Wal-Mart for $70? If the filters are already cycled for the 29gal and 10gal, those are all you need, and the heaters from those tanks should work as well.


Staff member
The ich somehow went unnoticed in the QT. When fish are in QT, you really need to observe them. I use a tank hood light and a magnifying glass and carefully look the fish over in QT every day, at least twice a day (including at night).
If you don't have DSB, I would have left the fish in the display and removed the LR to a large rubbermaid, then hypo-ed the display.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
LKG, have you considered getting rid of all those little QT's and getting a legitimate QT? IME, a 55gal is perfect, it's large enough that is suitable enough to house larger fish, that Hippo will be delighted to be in there instead of the 29gal, and able to keep multiple fish in QT. Yet it's not that big, 10gal water changes still affect parameters, and the tank itself is pretty cheap. I think they can be had at Wal-Mart for $70? If the filters are already cycled for the 29gal and 10gal, those are all you need, and the heaters from those tanks should work as well.

Originally Posted by Beth

The ich somehow went unnoticed in the QT. When fish are in QT, you really need to observe them. I use a tank hood light and a magnifying glass and carefully look the fish over in QT every day, at least twice a day (including at night).
If you don't have DSB, I would have left the fish in the display and removed the LR to a large rubbermaid, then hypo-ed the display.
Thanks to both of you for your replies. I have no problem with getting a 55G. I actually already have a stand for one. I just used the spare tanks I already had setup. The filters I have are cycled for the 29 and 10 and I could put them on a 55G with no problem. I might just go buy a tank tomorrow and change it all over this weekend. I can use the water in the 29 and 10 and almost fill the 55 up.
Beth, I honestly did not want to remove all the LR becuase I finally had it how I wanted it setup in the tank. However, I had to take it all down to catch the fish anyways, so looking back it might have been a good idea. What would I need on the rubbermaid container (I have like 10 of these around 30G) to maintain the live rock if I decide to put the fish back in DT and hypo that tank INSTEAD of going and buying a 55G? I can pretty easily find all the hermits, snails and shrimp and get them out and move them elsewhere if I hypo the DT.
So should U buy a 55G or remove the LR and hypo the DT?


Active Member
i think all you would really need LK is a power head for the rubbermaid containers and maybe a heater to keep the water warm enough and it circulating, or, u could put it in the tanks you have set up currently, crap, why didnt i think of that sooner LOL, put the LR in the tanks you have set up as qt's, you have filters goin on em already, and put all of your fish back in your DT and hypo the DT, holy crap, im a moron for not thinkin of that sooner