Questions For The EXPERTS...

Well I did think of it, but the thought of killing my 3" bed of "live" sand kept me from initially NOT hypo'ing the DT more than not wanting to mess with the LR did. However a few of the pieces of LR I have are big enough to fill up a 10G with one piece...
I don't have any extra powerheads but I have a mod kit for a maxi jet so I could go buy another one...Oh, and I have about 5 extra heaters.


Active Member
do you have enough tanks an filters to set up several more tanks to handle all the LR? if so, just do that, the sand bed will come back alive, no worries there, i think at least LOL
I think what I am going to do is go buy a 55G tank, set it up out in my garage with the filters off the 29, 20 and 10 and out a modded maxi jet in it along with the water out of the 29 and 10 now (after I raise the salinty back up). Then just move the fish back into the 72 DT and hypo it so I can take down the smaller tanks and keep the 55G running out in the garage as a real QT all the time.


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