


Thanks.. that narrows it down.. LOL
Did you resend e-mail?
Or just post what you were going to say in the e-mail here..
Thanks a bunch Mike.. I have a few more questions..


according to the readings you put in the email your tank is having a mini cycle or its not done cycleing the ammonia and nitrite should be at 0 if you are reading any thats menas there is a problem. also alk and calcium test kits are sold seperately
the added rock should help with this though but anything you put in the tank now could be in jepordy from it.
on the nitrite kit I dont know how the increments are on them but should be at 0.
those master or complete test kits only show critical for fishonly systems nothing as far as maintaence test kits.


good algae eaters I have 2 of them in my 100 gallon but the are crabs and are opertunistic so if they can get it to eat it they will or atleast try.


Yes.. it is a complete test kit.. and the lowest is .1 followed by .25..
What does 0 look like? Mine has a VERY small shade of pink.. .1 is a little more than I have..


I'll be sure to pick up a Alk. and Calcium testers this week..
Is everything else fine?
How do I get the nitrate to 0?


it might be below at the 0 level like I said in the other thread I have a different set of test kits that I dont like and am going to change. I will have to see what I can find outmight even go and get some more test kits tomorrow.
but I think that 0 is clear but I could be way off dont know.


Is everything else fine?
How do I get it down to 0, or will the LR take care of that?


thats where your water changes come in to export the nutrients and nitrate. or a sump or refugium with macro algaes but water changes will help keep them down 0 on nitrate is unrealistic there is always going to be some in the tank.
nitrite on the other hand should go down onits own unless you have a mini cycle./


I just did a 25% water change about a hour ago..
I will test it in a few days..
I'm going to let the LR establish for about a month or so and then add a new coral.. does that sound like a sufficient amount of time?


I just tested both Amnonia and Nitrite.. and BOTH are very clear.. same color as the water from the aquarium.
SO.. that means they are both at 0?
Or does anyone else know?
Mike, I have to add drops into my sample of water and match the colors up. All the other tests had some color factor to them.


then I would say if the tests are clear then its 0
humm as far as the corals I would wait and see what the tank is like after the month and watch your readings during that time after you get the flucutations under control and all the algae blooms out of the way ( if you have already) then start looking toward corals but add slowly and research beacuse you can get one coral that will start a chemical warefare with another and in a 29 there isnt a lot of water volume for the chemicals to disapate.


All rock is covered in purple algae.. and I doubt any more can grow.. the tank looks like it is 2 years old.. I just got the rock from someone a different LFS and he has a sepereate tank with OLD rock (Walt Smith) that's $7.99 and if fully cured in purple algae and 4 other tanks with Tonga fully cured rock..
I just want to wait and see how the tank does.. there's 2 damsels and a extremly small amnone (about 1"x1" if not smaller) that is looking healty at the moment.. I got it for $3 at the LFS and he said if it dies.. then don't add any until later on.. SO.. again I take the LFS's advice.. let's see what happens..
Waiting on some lights.. I was supposed to get 2x55 50/50's from the guy who owns a LFS and lives around the corner to sell it to me (used, but I don't care, as long as it works)
Do I need to wait like a week to let the tank get used to the new light before I add ANYTHING?
Thanks Mike as always :)


I was only planning on putting 3-4 soft corals, a blue mushroom, and a hawiian FD.. maybe something small next year..
And add a few more fish around x-mas time.. when the tank has established..
When can I see some "new" critters in the tank? I already have 3 TINY snails crawling around that came with the LR I guess.. just curious.. i'm always sitting down on my bed.. looking at the tank curiously.. waiting for something to grow or "pop" out and explore my tank :)


What's the minimum wattage allowed for a 29 gal tank with soft corals?
I was thinking of getting a red and blue mushroom.. off the internet.. do you just get one? or a few?
If I order 2 mushrooms (1 red and 1 blue, will I get 2 mushrooms?)
Do they multiply very easily?


Active Member

Originally posted by Nick17
What's the minimum wattage allowed for a 29 gal tank with soft corals?

Ya just haven't found anyone to give you the answer your looking for yet have you. LOL


Active Member
After your tank has been running a month or so, take a peek in it using a red flashlight--you'll see all sorts of creepy crawlies you never knew existed.
The 'small' anemone you got for $3...make sure it's not aptaisia--if it is you'll have a hard time killing it and it'll spread--it's a nuisance anemone--just do a search of this board and see if it looks the same. If it is aptaisia remove it now while the gettin's good.
There is no such thing as 'minimum wattage allowed'...but your initial plans for 110 watts would be okay for some low light mushrooms. I'd suggest trying to get maybe 3 of those 55 or 65 watters though to at least open up some more doors for corals. If you have any interest in sps or clams down the road though buy a could get a 175 mh and maybe one actinic vho and you'd have a nice setup. make it a 250 watt mh with 2 vho's and it's a very nice setup :D. come to think of it i thought someone was selling that type of retrofit kit in the classifieds forum?...


That's not the Anmone.. it's a condy (sp?)
Could I just run a 65 watt on 10,000K bulb for 24 hours?
It would be equivelent of running 150 watts for 10 hours.. untill I can get a nice 250 MH/Vho setup?
I found a nice retro-fit kit and i'm prolly going to order it in a month, 2 at the latest.
I was going to add some soft corals and a large FD hopefully soon and wondering if running the 65 watt 10,000K bulb for 24 hours would work? Its a brand new bulb and would just need it to cover me for a month; 2 at the latest.


Active Member
Sorry but no. Actually running light 24 hours is likely to do more harm to your fish and corals then having too little light. Almost all animals require some sort of night/day cycle. When people don't have it it makes them nutty...same to some extent with fish. If you can buy a better lighting setup in a month or two then why not just hold off on buying corals for that month or two as well? ;)