Quick question about feeding.


Hi folks,
Just got 2 quick questions.
1. Got all my fish in hypo in a seperate tank. How much and often should I feed the main tank? It's a 180, about 200 pounds of live rock and lots of inverts.
2. Can I still use garlic to feed the fish in the hypo tank? I thought I read somewhere that I should not.


I only have one clown fish in hypo now. The 29 gallon DT is empty of fish. Only have one cleaner shrimp and a CUC of snails and hermits in DT.
I am still feeding the clown in the QT with garlic and I am dosing with Vit C. I am feeding him two to three times a day, but I only give him a couple of peices at a time. Once I see that he stops eating, I stop feeding, and I take out anything floating in the QT.
For the main tank, I am giving my cleaner shrimp a few bites twice a day. I am using a turkey baster and he crawls on the end of it and waits for the food to come out.

bang guy

If I were in that situation I would continue to feed the tank about the same amount as when it had all of your fish in it.
I have never seen any usefulness for garlic so I'll let someone else answer that for you.


Active Member
Garlic boosts immue at least thats what all the bottles of it says. When I fought Ich I dosed 1 drop of garlic extract per gallon once a day and was successful in my battle. I did use other chemicals to get rid of it but it was slow until i started dosing garlic it seemed to accelerate the process.


I am not using a bottle, I'm using fresh garlic, pressed. (Following Beth's advise to use it fresh for medicated benefits.)

mr. limpid

Active Member
Good idea Beth knows what she's talking about, fresh is the way to go. As for feeding your fish during hypo, remember this is a smaller tank without the same bacteria as your DT. You want feed sparingly and monitor your ammonia. High ammonia will kill your fish faster than ick will.

bang guy

I will admit that IF there is a medicinal value to garlic for fish it would be allicin. Allicin is only found in fresh minced or crushed garlic. But, I'm not really convinced it boosts anything other than appetite. Allicin is also a known irritant so more is definately not better.