quick question - Ammolock



Is it true that ammolock skews the results of ammonia tests? The label says it doesn't but my LFS told me it does...


Is ammolock that white filter media that adsorbs ammonia from the water? If so, then I think it only works in freshwater systems. I may be mistaken tough.

bang guy

It depends on the test kit. A few will only pick up free ammonia, others will detect all ammonia.


I used ammonia lock 2 before and it said right on the bottle to wait a week before retsting the water because it will still test positive. Then after a week if it still tests positve to do a 25% water change and add again. my fish went from sluggish and small appetite to energetic and hungry within 20 mins of adding.


Active Member
Before using anything like that, I would Highly reccommend finding and curing the problem(but then there would be no need to use it). Ammolock is not a cure, jsut a masking device. It may help by lowering lethal levels of ammonia and nitrites and nitrates, BUT it does not solve the problem at hand.
Finding and fixing the actual problem does BOTH and is more econonmical.
MY VOTE: Avoid these products.


i used ammolock 2 when i set my tank up and it stated that it just renders it non-toxic but tests will still regester it. i only used it because fish wee in serious distress by LFS who knew barely more than i did when set it up, the fish still died:( and i did not add anything until i had done almost 100% waterchanges and the test kit read .25 ammonia and started all over.
Ammo-Lock is the worst thing you can use. First of all, dealing with saltwater, the purity of the water needs to be at 200%. Using RO/DI water is always highly recommended. Then again, I hear some people say, well I dont' want to invest in a high priced ticket item. Well my response is that, you either save a little now and pay it 3x later, or just spend the extra buck now and save yourself some time, money and heartache because your bad water causes stress on fish, and stress we all know can easily lead to ick.
Some fish are SO delicate that you even look at them in the wrong way they will break out in ick (a bit of a stretch but you know what I mean, the Hippo Tang for example). Since the fish can come under ich that easily, you want to eliminate all other factors you can control.
I have done tests on many of these so called "AMMON. REMOVERS". I tested Ammon-Lock, Prime, Novaqua, Amquel and Stress Coat just to see what all the fuss was about...
The conclusion is that, if you had to use a chemical, then PRIME by Sea Chem is the best choice. It elimates 95% of the Ammon. if you use double dosage. The rest of the products do very little even with double dosage. It's not worth the time and money, if you must use a product, go with PRIME.