quick question


New Member
i have a 125 gallon tank and my fish are kind of acting weird and dont have the greatest color whats wrong with my tank?or what should i do to help this, my levels are all perfect and the tank has been up for 5 months


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by countdown
i have a 125 gallon tank and my fish are kind of acting weird and dont have the greatest color whats wrong with my tank?or what should i do to help this, my levels are all perfect and the tank has been up for 5 months
Do you have any fish or inverts that can release toxins?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by countdown
a lionfish
Do they release toxins into the water? I thought they just stung if you bother them.

If anything has been harrassed, and it releases toxins, that could be a reason...Charcoal should clean toxins out of the tank. So if you suspect it, run charcoal in the filter and see if it will make things better.
This is just me, it could be many other things and I am no expert, but on the upside charcoal won't hurt anything.
Hope my advice helps.


New Member
yeah i do have on aptasia polyp or whatever they call them on a peice of live rock but thank you ill try the charcoal
thank you


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by countdown
yeah i do have on aptasia polyp or whatever they call them on a peice of live rock but thank you ill try the charcoal
thank you
Charcoal won't kill aptasia...you need Joe's juice or something like it and squirt it right in the mouth with it and it will die. It stings coral.


Active Member
AiptasiaX and Aiptasia Control are essentially the same as what do-it-yourselfers call "kalkwasser". You use a syring to inject it in them, or put it on their mouths and tentacles like I did. It's pretty effective, but a very large aiptasia came back after a few weeks, but I got him for good the second time. The aiptasia wouldn't cause all your fish to stress. I would do daily water changes for a while-10% or so. I used to get miffed when I got that recommendation from seasoned aquarists, but have found it usually will get the slimy guys through a rough patch. Like if you just added some new fishies and the bioload is taxing the biofilters ability to maintain proper balance.


New Member
Thank you alot
but somthing is still wrong and i dont know what it is my parameters are:
the rest of them i don't know i don't have the testers for them
could it be that i had to take my tank completely down about 8 months ago because a filter broke and pumped water out of the tank and all over my carpet in my room so i had to take the tank down to put new floors in so i put all my sand in a big rubber-made thing with a lid and same with the rocks and they were in the tubs for like 3 months then i set my tank back up in November i did let it cycle for a good 2 months before adding any fish then i just put two Sargent major damsels in there to get the ammonia cycle started it did its cycle then i put the first "real" fish in there so to say about a month ago it was a little panther grouper then about a week later i added a lionfish and a yellow tang and then just 2 weeks ago i added a blue hippo and a powder blue tang and i little spotted grouper and everything was doing great until about 4-5 days ago then my fish broke out with ick got rid of that and now the just are constantly scratching themselves and i have lost the powder blue and spotted grouper and my yellow tang does not look good
i don't have good lighting on it at all im saving up to get new bulbs for my PCs because they burnt out so i just have freshwater lights on it for now could that be a problem?
i don't know whats wrong it seem like once i get it perfect something goes wrong.


Active Member
Temp and Alkalinity? Lighting wouldn't affect a FOWLR at all. You need to slow down.
1. You still have ich. The only way to get rid of ich is with copper or hyposalinity treatment.
2. You added too much too fast which would stress your environment.
3. Dont ever cycle a tank with real fish, a piece of raw shrimp accomplishes the same task for less money and no harm to living fish.
4. You didn't quarantine anything.

Here's your options:
1. Quarantine everything and give them hypo treatment. Leave your display tank empty of fish for 6 weeks. This is the only way you will get rid of ich.
2. Treat the tank with a reef safe ich product and hope for the best. Add a UV sterilizer if you don't have one already. Slowly lower your SG to 1.020. Treat the fish to a FW dip for 10 minutes every day for 3 days. This won't get rid of ich but it might help your fish pull through it.