Quick Question


Active Member
I have my two clowns and 2 firefish, could i add two pajama cardinalfish? or would that be to much in my 30g.


The minimum tank size for these cardinals is 45G's.....SO I would say no...If you want another fish I would pick a small one....if any


Active Member
i just typed pajama cardinal fish care on google and not one of them said 45g. Most said 30g, and a few even said 20g. I did check SWF.com and that is the only site ive seen so far that says 45g


Well I have 2 in my 225G and they are almost 3" each......Personally I would not put them in the 30G ...especially not with what you have in there already


Active Member
i just read some more sites and a few said not two have more than one unless its at least 55g tank, so now i think i wont get them.
Thnx, Hunter

bang guy

I'm usually in favor of saying no to fish in smaller tanks but I've observed PJs for years and I see no reason why a pair (Male + Female) would not do well in a 30 gallon with Clownfish and Firefish.
I would recommend some type of overhang or cave they can hang out under.
OTOH, if you end up with two males a 30 gallon tank would be a disaster.


Active Member
That combination, IMO would depend on how well you are filtering, biological mechanical and chemical. If you keep your water in good shape I would not have a problem with saying yes go ahead. Of course with the caveat that bang mentioned about two males. So the it would be a risk and depends on your tolerance for risk.


SO.....you guys think that 2 clowns, 2 fire fish, and 2 pajamas are not too much for a 30G?????/
My PJ's are pretty big....as are my clowns....I am a fanatic when it comes to cleaning my tank, and I wouldn't put all that in my 29G

Not saying it can't be done.....Just saying I wouldn't do it.....I have a chalk bass, citron goby, and zebra goby in my 29G and hesitate about adding anything else...that's all I mean


Active Member
I have a bali tiger jawfish, a Helfrichis, a chalk bass, an African Flameback angel, and a tailspot blenny in my 29 biocube. Have had them all over a year now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I have a bali tiger jawfish, a Helfrichis, a chalk bass, an African Flameback angel, and a tailspot blenny in my 29 biocube. Have had them all over a year now.
wow, i do have plenty of overhangs and cave type things in my tank. Is there any way to tell the sexes apart?
Im also still not 100% on these fish but unless i see something i have to have, then it wil prabably be these


Originally Posted by spanko
I have a bali tiger jawfish, a Helfrichis, a chalk bass, an African Flameback angel, and a tailspot blenny in my 29 biocube. Have had them all over a year now.
LOL...and I have been scared to add anything else......silly me.....


Active Member
I do not tell you this because I think it is for everyone. I do some crazy things to keep my water condition at maximum. This is not a recommendation to people to follow this. I am overstocked on fish and I know it. I also feed heavily everyday which I do not recommend to everyone. I have a large clean up crew of the normal population but also there are many bristle worms and mini brittle stars. I skim on the wet side. I dose vodka and Prodibio products. I change my filter floss daily.
You pays your money and you takes your chances.


In my 28g I have 5 fish as well... never with any problems i clean my canstier filter only once a month but do 20% water changes every 2 weeks...I have a Flame angel, 2 Osc. clowns, 6 line, and a strawberry (purple) Psy... plus a lot of coral...never had that much a issue.

bang guy

Originally Posted by meowzer
SO.....you guys think that 2 clowns, 2 fire fish, and 2 pajamas are not too much for a 30G?????/
My PJ's are pretty big....as are my clowns....I am a fanatic when it comes to cleaning my tank, and I wouldn't put all that in my 29G

Not saying it can't be done.....Just saying I wouldn't do it.....I have a chalk bass, citron goby, and zebra goby in my 29G and hesitate about adding anything else...that's all I mean
As I recall Hunt has a pair of Ocellaris. So, all six of those fish are docile, tolerant, low demand fish. In my experience, other than Tangs, it's normally the proximity to tank mates (elbow room) that stresses out fish and makes them unhealthy. All six of those fish will normally ignore tankmates in close proximity and are not stressed at all as long as there's no aggressive posturing. That's why I don't see a problem. If it were some other type of Clownfish or if any very active fish were present then I wouldn't recommend that type of fish load.


Active Member
ok, out of al the times ive been there, this was the first time they didnt have any pajama cardinals in. But they did have another fish id been looking into and that is the striped fang blenny.