Quick question...


New Member
Some aquarists feel that keeping your tank between 75-77 degrees is best, some say 75-80 degrees. Others feel that some corals and fishes, having come from warm tropical waters, do much better at higher temperatures of about 80-85 degrees, or higher. I would say around a healthy 78-82 degrees sounds about perfect.


New York, but we're going through a cold week, lots of rain and whatnot... High temp for us tomorrow is 70 and the tank reads 78 now, so I'll get the heater in even if I don't need it right away, but at least it's there...


LOL...yeah I have family in NY and just saw where one posted on FB that it was 63....LOL...It was 103 here today
where in NY you from?


Yeah it's cooling down fast. Looks like an early Autumn! Fine by me! Upstate, in Albany. Where are you that you're 103!? I would friggin melt!


Lol, that's great! Nice chatting with you, I'm gonna sign off and get some much needed z's. Have a great night and thanks so much for all the advice; I really appreciate it. Stay cool tomorrow!


I live in Alaska, usually around a steady 65 or so here for the summer months. At least I don't need a chiller I guess.


Active Member
Fish like it cooler. Corals like it warmer.
If you have to pick...keep the corals happier.
I run my reef at 80. Its pretty solid till winter...then I get a 79-80 swing.
If I had a FOWLR id be doing 74


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune http:///forum/thread/379722/quick-question#post_3301453
Fish like it cooler. Corals like it warmer.
If you have to pick...keep the corals happier.
I run my reef at 80. Its pretty solid till winter...then I get a 79-80 swing.
If I had a FOWLR id be doing 74
It depends on the fish, my Hippo tang is not happy below 80..his color changes to a more pale blue.
i have kept my tanks at 79 and i have never lost anything,, fish or corals ,and at one time i had 3000 gallon flow thru system. now i am done to a 400 gallon flow thru system, just couldnt afford the 500.00 electric bill


Active Member
Maybe I will turn it up to like 78 or so. That would save me a chunk of change and also, maybe I will get a little more growth from my corals. Thanks guys!

bang guy

Originally Posted by Kelso http:///forum/thread/379722/quick-question#post_3301413
Ideal water temperature for reef/fishy tank? Thanks!
There is no such thing as an ideal temperature. If you're into research and want to do it right then pick 5 of your most sensitive animals and plot where they come from. The center of the area where they come from is their ideal habitat and temperature is a big part of that. For example, you'll find some Acropora center in an area with an average temp in the mid 70's. Most of the Northern Red Sea Acropora will thrive best in the high 80's.