Hi all. I have had my tank now for about 7 months and getting ready to upgrade my 90 to a 180 or more.....well I have been purchasing my water from the lfs since I started because although I finally purchased a RO machine, we had not had time to hook it up until this past weekend. Keeping in mind my tank has been fine except for some cyano bacteria driving me nutty that I have to suck out, I also did not have the little tester to test my ro for dissolved particles as what the water should NOT have since buying. Well, this past weekend got the RO hooked up...wayyyyyy awesome. Came with the little tester which I wish I knew I had here but did not realize it came with my purchase...tested new water 0. I think cool!! Tested my lfs water 125~ I was TICKED!
My tap water was about 134 so might as well have been buying tap water.....grrrrrr. 1.25 a gallon for mixed salt...NEVER AGAIN. check you water all, I am hoping now my small bit of cyano will finally cease with water changes over time......Here is my updated pic!
My tap water was about 134 so might as well have been buying tap water.....grrrrrr. 1.25 a gallon for mixed salt...NEVER AGAIN. check you water all, I am hoping now my small bit of cyano will finally cease with water changes over time......Here is my updated pic!