Rain water


Can you use rain water instead of RO water. The reason I ask is because I have a rain barrel(plastic) and the water is coming off of a metal roof. Seems to me that this would be very pure water.Has anyone tried this or is the water to acidic?


Good question, did a search on the subject but found nothing usefull apart from watering plants.
Someone know if SHOULD be used ?


Well-Known Member

ALL water is rain water...the problemis pollutents..there is dirt on a roof, metal rusts and could have something going on...so it should IMO still be filtered some way. You could try cheese cloth over the barrel, that won't do much for any chemical reaction but should get dirt and rust particals...


I wouldn't use it...for one thing that you mentioned...acid rain...also that it's coming off a metal roof....


While rain water is technically purified through evaporation and then condensation, it can pick up many pollutants on its way back to the ground. Dust, allergens, and air pollution like sulfur. As someone else mentioned, if you are catching it from run off by a roof or other structure, it could contain other non desirables such as rust and even bird or insect fecal matter. So I would say stick with RO/DI.


Active Member
Ive thought about doing this myself, but when I thought about it the pollutants that are in the air came to mind


Active Member
Where I live we get rain that has fuel residue from the Military jets that fly constantly over head. Makes a nasty film over our cars.


All kinds of things can come from rain water, especially if it is running off from a metal roof. Please don't use that in your tank


Active Member
i would imagine no...but honestly the local population either doesnt notice...or its never been an issue. the only time I thnk about it is when i wash my car...there is a light film on it.