Raising calc to fast?


Active Member
How fast do you want to raise your calc levels?
I just did a reading of 130, aaaarrrgggg
I have a new drip system and want to get it up, but how fast can I do this?


Active Member
Are you doing water changes? What kind of salt are you using? What have you been adding? 130 is very very low.


Active Member
What calcium product do you have? You may want to get turbo calcium. What is the drip system? If its Kalk, then don't drip it until your levels are fine.


Active Member
I am using "oceans blend calcium " and kalk.
I am adding a 1/2 cup of blend and two tablespoons of kalk in a 2 gallon r/o water jug and dripping it in at 75ml hour rate.
I estemate 2 gallons/3 days. very rough estemate.
I still have to add about a gallon a day of r/o water due to evaporation. It is set up automatic so I am guessing.


Active Member
Dad, you're dosing calcium, dripping kalk, and your calcium is only at 130? That really doesn't sound right:notsure: Has it always been that low? What are your ph and alk readings?


Active Member
Actually all readings are great except for calcium.
I just started dosing two days ago(very slow at first) so I do not know how fast I should try to raise the levels?
I am using a new Salifert test kit and tested 3 times to make sure I did not make any mistakes.


i wouldn't really try and raise it more than 75 ppm (whatever measurement they use for calc..i can't remember) in one day...i use a 2 part additive and am not to familar with using kalk ..but my understanding is you can't put to much kalk in at the same time but can constanly drip and arline tube of it in..not sure though


What do you have in the tank that consumes Calcium?
Doing a 10% change weekly with IO should have prevented this low Ca from happening unless you have big Ca consumers in your tank.:notsure:


Active Member
Nothing that I can think of really.
I have a few shrooms and about 300lbs of lr.
Wanting to get things right before adding anything.


Dad, let me know how things go with your kalk drip. I've been very interested in trying that.
I'd use some sort of Kent Calcium or something similar to get SOME cal back in there. You're pH must be fluctuating also, no? Ca helps add alkalinity which stabilizes pH. Keep an eye on your pH also if your Ca stays low.


Sorry H2OEGR, but adding Ca does not do a thing for increasing alkalinity. Most Ca increasing solutions are CaCl, and Cl ion does nothing for alkalinity.
Alkalinity is a measure of your buffering capacity. Buffering stabilizes pH. More alkalinity, more stable pH. Less alkalinity, wider pH fluctuations.
Dad, I too hope you are doing the test right. If you are putting 240ul of the Calcium test solution in the test tube and it turns blue, then you do indeed have Ca =130 parts per million.
If you are putting more than half the volume of the syringe, or 760ul into the test tube before it turns blue, then your Ca is 370parts per million, and you are perhaps a little low, but probably OK for Calcium.
Just to check, you use 3 ml tank water, 6 drops Ca-1, one scoop of the purple crystals, and then drip in the Ca-3 from the syringe, right?
:notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Neoreef-er, you need to get yourself a good book on saltwater chem. Might I suggest either "Water Chemistry for the Marine Aquarium" by John Tullock or "The Coral Reef Aquarium" by Dr. Ron Shimek.
Alkalinity is a measure of the buffering capacity of your water. Primarily contributing are Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2 - calcium and magnesium hydroxides.
Kalkwasser is limewater or calcium hydroxide. As the Ca is used from your Ca(OH), left is your hydroxide ion, OH-. This OH- ion will then increase your pH counteracting the CO2 your corals are producing which decreases the pH.
According to Tullock, "Besides aiding in the maintenance of pH, alkalinity and calcium concentration, addition of limewater (Kalkwasser) to the minireef aquarium has other benefits."
Sorry Neo, you can research all you want, but it'll take an engineer to figure out how to make it work.
Dad, I would strongly urge you to read about the benefits of a kalk drip. I think it was either Bang guy or Kip that did a killer article on kalk about a month or so ago. You may be able to find it. Good luck.