Raising Salinity


I need to raise the salinity of my tank quite a bit. Can I just just take out some of the water from the tank, add some prepackaged sea salt and dump it back in after a couple hours? My current reading is 2.018 so it needs to go up quite a ways and I realize that I can't do it all at once but do any of you experienced folks agree with this method or do you have other suggestions?
Thanks for the info.


55 gallon tank with a yellow tang (I know it will outgrow the tank), a blue damsel, and a clarkei clown. Some snails, a couple emerald crabs and a shrimp round out my livestock. Tank has been operating for about 4-5 months.


Top it off with saltwater. I would do it gradualy. I wouldnt shoot for 2.022 or higher right off bat. I take water out of my tank, add salt and then add back in. Just make sure you disolve most of the salt before adding it back. This works well for me. ;)