Rapidly multiplying bubble anemonies???

A year or so ago, I put a bubble anemonie in my tank. It quickly moved itself behind a rock and was never seen again...
But now.. There are at least 50 dime sized, what appear to be bubble anemonies, in bunches on my live rock?
Is this possible?? Its like there are more every week....
Note: They are not aptasia, etc.. they really look like little brownish bubble anemonies...


Active Member
Go back several posts to this morning - it is on the next page, and find the thread labled "Help ID this anemone". They look identical to that in my opinion.

pa reef pig

Not bubble tips. Sorry. I believe that they are a relative of the Majano Anemone. Not sure the exact name but wpuld to know. They stay pretty small. I also have several of these in my tank, as well as a few Tulip Anemones, which are similar but have greenish tentacles with bright pink tips.


Active Member
That wasn't Rye...it was Rye's alter ego, PA Reef Pig, defacing Rye's picture... and it was pretty funny too!!!!!
And I also think he nailed it. That other post definitely looks like the same thing.
Thanks for all the replies...
They are def. NOT aptasia.. I have a few aptasia in my tank now.. soon to be exterminated... and they look nothing alike...
The little arms grab MYSIS shrimp when I feed my tank, too.. Kind of cool to watch!
I just looked at that other post and I think thats what it is....
It says they can become a pest, but they seem pretty cool to me.. Like I said, Ive got at least 50 of them right now....
Anyone want one? :)


Active Member
That is pretty nice........PA answers a question and I get the credit. Nice work self.
Anyway ~ I agree with what PA said about the Majano.


Active Member
im pretty sure they are the majano anemones. they can be aiptasia like in that they spread very rapidly and can sting and damage corals. like sammy said peppermint shrimp wont touch them, and kalk injections seem to be the only thing that works on these pests. a few can be nice, but a bunch can be bad business! i would reccommend getting rid of most of them, and then just keep a couple around. but remember that if you try to scrape them out, you will just creat more because each little piece will grow into a new one!
good luck
So far , they havent stung anything.. and they seem to be multiplying, but they stay in bunches and dont spread throughout the tank...
If they keep staying in the bunches of 10 or 20, Ill let them be, but if they start moving about, Ill inject em'.. Im doing some injecting this weekend, so they better behave till then :)

bang guy

Sorry Sammy, I gotta agree with the Mojano diagnosis. If you enjoy them I suggest you inject all but a few.


Active Member
anemonia majano can come in several colors, of which brown and green tips are the most common. i too would say to zap all but a few if you like the look of them, just make sure not to do too many in one sitting because as they die they begin to release ammonia, and an overload could cause other unwanted deaths in the tank!
good luck
p.s. guy, what is the scientific name of the tulip anemones, that wrassecal has? in another thread i think i posed this same question, however, i cant remember if it was ever answered. thoguth id try again