Rapidly multiplying bubble anemonies???


Active Member
Rye has some good rock anemone pics- rocks have more eloborate tentacles and look more complex overall- they come in a variety of colors- i have 2green and a pink-


I had these exact things. They were harmless at first, but then starting stinging my blastomussa. So they meet a dreadful ending.. They do multiple fast!!!!!

bang guy


Originally posted by sammystingray
BTW this was two years ago or so, maybe I'll give him another pic. If I'm wrong, I appologize, but they really haven't done any damage in my experience.

You're more likely to be right than me. Maybe a clearer picture will help.
I have two of the same type of anemone that is in Sammy's pic hanging around in my refugium. Came in on live rock. I never have known precisely what it is, so will be interested in the final diagnosis!


hey those look like long tentacles to me the two sec pics but the first one look like some thing i have on my rocks the lfs called them tulip or flower anemones some thing like that so if u all find out what there exactly please let me know ?????????