rbta feeding question


I just purchased a rbta from my LFS. I just want to make sure I am feeding it the right food. I was told to feed it raw shredded shrimp. Is this true? If not what exactly should I be feeding it.
Thanks in advace
Scott & Aimee


You can also feed it mysis shrimp and prime reef and formula one frozen foods as long as you thaw them out first. Small chopped shrimp works too as long as they are fairly small pieces.
I agree that a variety works the best, but this is also true with most fish. A well rounded diet will vastly improve health.


I know I sound stupid, but I have to ask....the shrimp is the same shrimp that I can buy at the grocery store just deviened and uncooked or am I wrong?
Thanks again

bang guy

I would not devein it. If it has a head then all the better.
There's a lot of Protein in the shell. I don't know why taking the shell off would be better. My ears are open though :)


I've tried it both ways, it seemed to take much longer for my anemone to digest when I would leave on shells, and sometimes it would spit back partially digested pieces with a shell still on. When i took off the shells it never did that. (At this time I had wanted it to grow fast and hopefully split, so a faster feeding schedule was what I wanted, I guess it depends, I should have mentioned that) I also always fed it a varied diet to give it more nutrition. I dont currently feed my RBTA packaged shrimp, but i feed it mysis shrimp and other frozens. It also at times gets flakes from my clownfish.
Maybe its just my anemone, but that is my experience.


Went and bought some raw deviened and peeled shrimp and the rbta ate it like it was candy. My percula keeps swimming around it darting in and out of it. Do you think this means it will take to it? I also have another percula that wouldn't go near the rbta, but since I have added the second percula, it's been following the new fish. They keep swimming together and wriggling side by side. The new fish is smaller, but they are staying together all over the tank. I would love to have them mate.
Thanks again.
Scott and Aimee


The clown poking at the edge of the anemone and such is usually a good sign that it is taking interest and is trying to acclimate itself to the anemone. I would say that in time they will host in that anemone, and maybe you'll even see them guarding a patch of eggs in the future, who knows =]

bang guy

Perhaps taking the shell off is a good idea then :)
I can see a case for worrying about sharp parts of the shell puncturing the Anamone and that would be bad.
Food for thought :D