RBTA Question


Got my RBTA from swf.com last thursday, The problem is that my clowns will not host it and the bubbles are not there. It kinda looks like a big red condi or something. It may be my lighting i have 4x65 Watt PC on a 55 gal. Water parrameters are all good. I have only fed it once, and i fed it brine shrimp. Any suggestions? any comments?

bang guy

It's probably still acclimating to your system. I don't know if it will get bubbled tips under your lighting. It might depend a lot on where it eventually settles.
I feed mine larger food like pieces of Scallop or Silversides. Brine Shrimp are not much of a protein source. You could also try Mysid Shrimp.


Thanks bang, well when i put it in my tank i put it close to the lights at the top of my live rock, it moved maybe 2 inches and settled in there. I thought that it might not survive becuase of my lighting but i wanted one so bad i said oh well ill take the risk. Also do you think my clowns will eventually host it? is there anything els i can do to help it?


give your clowns a couple of days and they will more than likely find there way to it, you do need more lighting, maybe next time you will more responsible and only purchase corals that will survive in your set-up! i'm not trying to get on you , but i think people should resist the urge to get something for there tank unless it's fully capable of suppling the needs of the new purchase, you should always do some reseach on the coral you want before you buy it, so you will know what there needs are!!

bang guy


Originally posted by jtwilson21
Also do you think my clowns will eventually host it?

I doubt it. There's a really good chance that the Anemone will host the Clownfish though.


It took my clowns about 2 months to host my bubble. Then my bubble died and now put a smaller bubble in and they are beating the crap out of it. Yours probably just do not understand what it is yet.