ready for additions - need help please



Hi! I think I'm ready to make some additions to my tank but want your opinion. Currently I have 3 anemones and one damsel (haven't yet caught) and a clean up crew that consists of some red legged hermits, a mexican turbo snail, some kind of sea slug and maybe a couple of cerith snails. I have a 4inch DBS and 100 lbs LR. My water levels are:
pH 8.2, Amm 0, Trites 0, Trates 0, Calcium 370 (still adding) phos 0.5parts/million.
Here's what I'm thinking of getting from this site (need to get up to $75.00;)
1 fighting conch
5 Ness Snails
2 Percs
1 CB butterfly (I have some hydroids on one of the LR - hoping he'll eat them)
What else should I add? And are these selections okay for a reef compatible tank? Can I add a coral or something?
P.S. I just got an email that I can get 3 free emerald crabs. Is this okay?

bang guy

I'm not a fish person so I might be wrong but I'd worry about the Butterfly eating the Anemonies. They are also a very difficult fish to care for I think.
Do you like Clownfish? They are very hardy and a pair would make great first fish.


Yep - 2 percs on the list. I don't know much about the butterfly either. That's why I'm wondering. Thanks for the help! Is there another addition I should consider?


Active Member
i am just starting out also, but why dont you consider a yellow tang instead of the butterfly? they have a sort of "long nose" and pick stuff also and are supposed to be nice and hardy for us beginners :). jmo
oh also i didnt notice any shrimps or stars on your list


Good point about the shrimp. - I do have 2 peppermints. I only have a 55gal so I don't think I should get a tang:(


Active Member
hmm i think from what i have read, 55 is minimum size. someone correct me if i am wrong, but dont butterfly's need alot of room also?

bang guy

Butterfly diet is the main problem and then water conditions need to be pristine.
Many hobbiests have successfully kept Copper-banded but I would consider it an Advanced hobbiest fish.
4' is the minimum for a Tang as you stated, not the recommended tank size. Again, many hobbiests have success with a Yellow in a 55 but the odds are against you.
I'm really glad iluvfish is doing homework. Patience will be a great attribute in this hobby.
Start with a pair of Percs IMO and take some time to thing about your next fish.


Thanks guys! I guess I might wait for a BFly. I would like to get my order up to $75. How about some ricordia and what about a wrasse? (I know wrasse eat bristle worms and honestly I don't think I have that many of them and would kind of like to keep them);)
Any other suggestions. Without the butterfly I'm only up to $49.86.:)


Are they on the U-build-it page? Where would I look?
I found them - scarlet cleaners - in the shrimp right?


I know these are in the damsel family - are they as aggressive as damsels? I've been trying to catch the one I have - he's blue with a black streak down his face.


How about those emerald crabs?? And does anyone else have any other suggestions?

bang guy

The Emerald Crabs will be an outstanding addition IMO.
Chromis are in the Damsel Family, so are Clownfish. They are mostly Docile except with each other.


Great idea Squishy! I'm going to set up that bottle right away! I hate that damsel.
Lighting ---- JBJ 4X65 2 actinics, 2 whites. Two pink tipped and one carpet anemone.


Active Member
sorry it took me so long to get back, my server was down AGAIN. but bang guy is right they are both in the damsel family, from what i have read though, the chromis and clowns should get along fine.


WEll Squishy - I still haven't caught that damsel. I'm going to set up another bottle tonight since I am also placing my order tonight. :)
Thanks Cindy and Bang for the sugg. I think I am going for the perc and chromis. I'm still a bit confused on what types of snails I need. The ones that have died in my tank are the cone shaped ones. Are those turbos or nessarius?


I just started to place my order and guess what -- they are out of chromis and also skunk cleaners. :mad:
What about corals?? Again my lighting is JBJ 4X65 (2 actinic and 2 white). I wanted to place the order tonight so I can get the 3 free emerald crabs.
Any other suggestions??