Real beach sand


That is just wrong to torture me that way
I still have eight months till I might be able to get to Florida.


Active Member
its tourist season now anyways, with colder water. hey scuba is your kid an amish costume for halloween in your avatat?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
its tourist season now anyways, with colder water. hey scuba is your kid an amish costume for halloween in your avatat?

Nope a witch for Halloween
Here is one of the other one
Here are my four girls one year ago.


Active Member
oh coz i was gonna say that might have rubbed a few people the wrong way with that recent amish school incedent lol


Originally Posted by saltn00b
oh coz i was gonna say that might have rubbed a few people the wrong way with that recent amish school incedent lol

Amish wear a bonnet not a pointy black hat


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
thats the same reason i have my tank - for those times when i cant be diving :)
Right there with you guys on that one... spend 2 weeks a year diving, and the other 50 weeks out of the year planning the next trip.
I really can't imagine people not SCUBA diving... they are missing so much. I've got about a dozen friends certified... but still so many to go.


Active Member
i am about to go on vacation next week, and i had it all planned it to do a 5-10 day dive tour of the keys , starting from the dry tortugas, and working all the way up to key largo - but everyone bailed and i didnt want to go alone :(


man i love WPB i seriously dive @ least once a week sometimes as many as 10. i have been diving since i was 13 and recently got my masters cert... i am sorry if u guys are jealous but if u r ever in my neck of the woods let me know the boat always has room


Active Member
hey hartman you go on your own boat? with how many people? i am a member of freedom yacht club was going to start doing that but a) couldnt get enough people and b) gas prices went up so much it was cheaper to charter.


hey got a 23 cobia we have had as many as 5 guys diving out of it.. 7 but it was cramped and we were seriously violating coast guard. but yea got my own boat.. was out diivng yesterday but dam it was cold. lol. but yea gas is going up. but i got a buddy who works on a farm and they get free gas so when he goes with me which is all the time i get a free tank


Oh, you Floridians make me sick
JK I just can not wait till retirement and get a Catamaran. WIsh I was down theere with you guys, go do a dive for me. It is about 38 degrees here and the water vis 5 FT. Water temp 43 Degree.


Active Member
no im just an observer - the reefs especially . wrecks are cool and all but they can get on the boring side IMO... i have been getting into U/W photography tho cause of this hobby Lol


any of you divers dive with nitrox?? sit times are much less with that stuff
just have to watch max depths.


Active Member
i am nitrox certified - i love it , you feel like a million bucks when you come back up, and lets not forgot oxygen narcosis
