Real beach sand


well guys just a update on the beach sand. i had a very minor trate rising but i think it was more to my lil sister trying to feed my fish than anything else. but it is looking great and everything is goign great.... so in my opnion it is


THanks for the update. My LOOOOVVVIIINNNGGGG wife thinks if the fish come to the front of the tank to see her that they are hungry
I told her not to feed them anymore. I have a Nitrate problem too but I do not know if it is from the CC or from my wife
SHe is coming down to FLorida in December with my oldest who is dancing at the halftime CapitalOne bowl game. I am thinking of trying to get her to get some sand so I can get the CC out of my tank.


iwashed my sand in a 3 parts ro water 1 part vinegar solution just to kill and bacteria that might have been in the sand


That is what I thought about the vinegar. Thanks for the info, now just to get my wife to get me some. This CC sucks, I am having a real hard time getting the Nitrates down. I have them down to 20 ppm but they were all the way up to 80 ppm. Had to do a major water change.