Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
no theyre good i just have to many of them. and LFS wouldnt give me credit for them, and just nvr thought about selling them... no one wants them!!


Active Member
I wish it was already taken care of! Cant wait to get it pulled. Well I can cuz I know its gonna hurt, but in the long run itll fill better. Right now lortabs is what im living off of


Active Member
Still another week and 3 days til I get my tooth pulled. is hurting as bad. im taking about 8 loratabs a day, 6 excedrins, and 4 darvocets to get through. But I tell ya wat I CANT FILL MY TOOTH!!!


Active Member
Cool video, it is neat to see everything moving in the current. Your fish look really nice together.
How many gph does your tank have, just curious?


Active Member
umm I really have no idea. Whatever that stock pumps pushes out and a Koralia Nano. Idk how many that is either lol..
So for all the noise in the back. gf was watching lifetime. Confessions of a Go Go Dancer


Active Member
pretty friggin sweet vid bro :) Like it. i took a vid of my tank once but i dunno how to up it or anything. YOur tank looks MAXXXXXXED OUT. hehehe. And tomorrow its ACAN BUYING DAY ! WOOOOOOO HA. Gonna have more and more and more
its like i can taste em. They definately do look like they would taste great if it was some candy or food though i must say. LOL. Wonder if anyone ever eat one or some tank fish. HEHE.sorry im talking silly on your thread. pz out bro and have a nice night. see you all tomorrow. go look at my befor and after pics. no one commented but subielover :(


Active Member
cool vid! but what really made me laugh was the audio in the back ground , It said something about someone getting a "d" cup!
thanks I needed a laugh today!


Active Member
No more acans for u until u frag what u got lol!! And thanks for the comment. no one coments cuz my tanks a piece of crap! Its not full yet. Gettin some Duncans and some zoas for it 2morrow. Also gonna put the Nucs and PDs and some Arms in here If I can fit them. Maybe a scolymia after I take the brain out 2morrow... IDK


Active Member
Oooh, looking forward to some new pics of your new duncans and zoas. I love duncans, one of my favorites! And rebel get a grip brother, your tank is awesome don't kid yourself


Active Member
YOu know your tank looks good you just want people to tell you that. LOL. But hey bro your tank looks amazing. Why would you stop the 30 gallon ? you and nwdyr both starting more tanks and then decide to stop with em. What you gonna do with the fish or anything in that tank ?


Active Member
I just hate the size of the 30 gal tank lol. Im gonna keep it though for now. I cnt just live with only 1 tank going. The fish I could get credit for at the LFS and the Zoas of course could fill the side wall of the biocube lol


Active Member
Got 3. But only 2 open now. the african blues are still closed all the way

These are old

And war coral in the morning after being fed like twice a night lol


Active Member
Nice pics, I really like the ones that almost look like zoa rics
War looks really cool too, I would love to get one of those too, do you have any others or is that your only one?