Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
lol I post pics in this thread and get no comments. but other thread I post 2 sentences and get like 14 lol

Lol, I know the feeling. I am sorry I have been away for a few days, just watching your tank and Blazin really puts me over the edge to spend money I don't have yet
.. However I start work next week, and the fish store is closed till then so I am back. That Favia is nice, and the tourquois in the picture looks like it matches your watermelon mushroom! Also, your onyx clown looks awesome. I wish I had gotten a pair of onyx.


Active Member
Looks nice rebel, that looks to be a pretty large piece, I don't think i wanna know how much it costs
Don't you already have one black saddleback?


Active Member
yeah I got 2 black and white seabe clwons. Theyre gettin along great so far. Thanks for the comments!
I know. Ive been broke as well. Starting my job next week!


Active Member
uploading new pics of my fish now...
.. Also my huge mushrooms is gettin a new head underneath that I noticed today. It might be gettin 3 heads. lol Im gettin ready to sell it though!


Active Member
YAY rebel got a JOB WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! that favia is'd you like the USA bball team last night..i was up for the entire thing coulnd't stop watching


Active Member
lol yup finally. Now ill be buyng double stuff here soon. Actually prolly not need to get stuff together for my new tank!
It was a great game. Sucks Olympics is over already


Active Member
Whats that last pic ? xmas favia is very nice :) Wish my lfs would get favias like that and i would have some. I'ma be adding more things to my aquapod now since i got new lights. Now that i am looking at both together seems like i am about due for lights on my jbj nano now as well. Seems like the aquapod is even brighter than the jbj nano but it has 8 watts less of light. I have had my jbj nano only 8 months. I would think i'd have at least 2 more months left on the lights but who knows. But anyways your new grabs look wonderful. The two clowns together looks awesome. Leave em together :) I love having both mine together. Well post more pics bro ! we need more.


Active Member
haha ill start taking more even though i dont get many comments. and thanks for the comments. the last pic is that large mushroom I have turning into 2!!!
ur clowns havent ever breed yet? I want mine too


Active Member
I dunno if they breed or not but everything else in the tanks probably eat the eggs or whatever before i would even see them anyways. LOL. I know they swim right next to each other all the time and at night they almost look like they are glued together or something. hahaha. But i mean never see a baby clown yet ehehe. Would be freaking sweet though. My blue zoa finally started a baby though :)


Active Member
well that means send it my way! Ill gladly take it off you lol!!
its about dang time u get that thing to sprout a baby! Been what 6 months now lol


Active Member
my dumb new clownfish scared me today. I was reachhing in to grad one of the baby plates to ship and it jumped into the back chamber 3. Took me like an hour to get him out! Didint think i was gonna get him. Everytime id try he hide under the pump or jump real high out of the water and I was to scary to get him hahaha. But finally he landed back in the water. so far he seems great!!! Onyx messed her while she was gone. Theyre swimmin together now!