Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
wat da hlel. might as well post some more pics. found some alright pics I wanna poat to lol im bored. and watching some good old NBA basketball!


Niiiice... have I already told you that I really, really, REALLY like the aquascaping in this tank??

You've got a lot of nice "girly" colored things in there for her, so I know she's happy!

and I've GOT to get some rics from Flricordia for my 14! I'll be on vacation the week of Memorial Day, so I'm gonna check with him to see if he'll have some rics available to send at that time!


Active Member
I cant take credit for the aqauscaping! But i told her I really like it a lot to. I think it looks so good. But its gonna suck whenever we move out and then have to take it all down again lol.. But oh well!!!


Active Member
oh yeah no fish yet if u cant tell.
Got 2 sexy shrimp though, but can ever only see one. They are so dang tiny. When we ordered the cuc the 2 docs had them on sale for 5.49.. But dats my 2nd time gettins some from them and they are always so tiny. Anyone know where u can find a little bit bigger ones


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I cant take credit for the aqauscaping! But i told her I really like it a lot to. I think it looks so good. But its gonna suck whenever we move out and then have to take it all down again lol.. But oh well!!!
I thought you already moved?
Didn't you just take it down and put it back together just recently?


Active Member
we just moved it to a different part of house. And were looking for another apartment right now. So itll prolly be another month or 2 before we have to move it again


Active Member
Thanks for the comment! Not near good as yours though. Trying not to buy anything else and save some money but its so tough. I need to get disconnected from the interne for like 2 months. Id save so much money lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
hey dark whats ur PS3 id name? mine is xMRxCOMPLETEx
Its lame... LOL--- Joeb102072
Mainly because I was so anxious to sign on and get playing I didnt realize I was signing up to what I wanted my online user name to be. I thought the process was first to get you an account so you can log into it with an account user name and password. From there I thought you could make your online screen name, but I was wrong. And then I didnt care so I left it, now I have far too much at stake to cancel everything and start over.
I wrote yours down, I will add it to my friends list. Did you download the 4 new maps available? They are sweet.


Active Member
of course I got the new maps lol. They are only good for TEAM DEATHMATCH to me. And I play Search and Destroy most the time. Creek is ok on S&D but the others suck realy bad on s&d
What do you play mostly?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
of course I got the new maps lol. They are only good for TEAM DEATHMATCH to me. And I play Search and Destroy most the time. Creek is ok on S&D but the others suck realy bad on s&d
What do you play mostly?
Deathmatches right now, I played for a long time made it to Lvl55 then my brother convinced me to do the prestiege mode, so, I did..
I am getting my rank back up to where I was so I can get all my weapons again. But I dont really care where I play, I just dont play with anyone I know yet. My brother should be getting the system soon, but Im a loner for now.


Active Member
lol how old are you? ill start playing with u lol. I forgot to add u. I just got off for a second. and I didnt do prestige. I dont play it enough to go through and it. And by the time I got to lvl 55 i had 100% of the challenges completed. I got all the gold guns to, dnt use half of them though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
lol how old are you? ill start playing with u lol. I forgot to add u. I just got off for a second. and I didnt do prestige. I dont play it enough to go through and it. And by the time I got to lvl 55 i had 100% of the challenges completed. I got all the gold guns to, dnt use half of them though.
LOL I've got about 15 yrs on you, but its all good I love video games, always brother is 25. I will add you and look for you when i go on, not sure about tonight.