Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
hahaha I wish. If it was a 24 I wouldnt be as full right now. I need an upgrade! Oh yeah Im working on one thatll be set up by XMAS


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haha I like diablo...
lol were namin a fish that isnt even mine yet! But I really wanna get. But id hate to keep him in my 5 gal tank with nothing in it until I get my 40 set up. Thinkinh about it though. And plus I still need to get the lights for my 5 gal tank, Might order those tonight. who knows...


Active Member
dam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im posting mine until tomorrow. my lights just went off. and my bro took the camera to go to horror nights. lol. hes gonna get scared. you cant post pics man?


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Ok Ill give in and go ahead and post my pic tongiht...
well here it is. An amazing powerhead. Keeps my tank going. Couldnt go a day without it!



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Now tonight I felt like ill take some pics of the Shrooms. Sometimes I forgot about them and overlook there beauty they give to the tank!
This mushroom is sick! Its in the side where it doesnt get any light and very little if any flow. If this thing was gettin more light man itd be awesome.
Newayz Dark shots/and daylight shots of my fav mushroom.



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Green, Purple, And Green/Purple Shroom babies!!

Orange Ric that split a while back! Took it forever to finally split. Still waiting on the Green one to split now!