Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
This will be where I will post pics of everything that happens in my 14 gal biocube. The biocube is mine/girlfriends. But if you take a look at "HER" tank ull see where it all came from if you've ever checked out my diary lol. But I love. Wont post pics til late tonight after working out! It really looks good. Frogspawn at the top of the tank really sets it off!


Active Member
ok finally not being lazy and going to post pics. These were taking 2 days ago I believe. Since then theres a little bit of new aquascaping! I wont be able to get newer pics til this weekend!


Active Member
lol not long, but I ran out of run in my 30 so had to just transfer faster than I wanted to. Tank has been up maybe a 1-1 1/2 weeks. All the live rock came from my 30 gal, all the sand from my 30 gal, all the water from my 30 gal after I did a water change. So it shouldnt have a cycle, but im keeping my eye on the parameters.
I think the new aquascaping looks better. I took those pics after just throwing everything in there!!


Active Member
It is looking very nice so far Reb. I especially like the garden look of a Ricordea rock here, a paly rock there, a shroom rock over there. Tell me what is the LPS in the second picture. The one with the green mat and the transparent tentacles?


Active Member
Its a mushroom. Metallic Green, Green Hairy, Green Frilly... Idk whatever you wanna call it. Seen a lot of people wiith them, and always find diff names.


Active Member
haha besides everything being from my tank and me buying NOOO lol. But she has done all the aquascaping. And always good to see her smile.. PLUS SHES GONNA HELP ME BUY MY NEW TANK WHENEVER IM READY FOR IT. GONNA GET ONE JUST LIKE FLORIDA RIC MORE THAN LIKELY


Active Member
Thank you! Prolly going to order a feather duster or 2 this week.
2 feather dusters
4 nass snails
3 cerith snails
2 turbo snails
and that'll be the clean up crew. Maybe one blue leg hermit


Active Member
I really couldnt tell you. Just grabbed some out of my 30 gallon so I dont know. Id say at least 20 lbs though. Ill try to remember to take pics today of the new aquascape!


Active Member
Updated pics later on. Bought a green hairy mushroom. brightest green ive ever seen looks really good. Need to hurry and get my tank back to a display tank so I can get my big zoo rock back!


Active Member
Ok heres new pics. But will have to take it down to move it today. Should be fun lol!
Best full tank shot I could get. Camera sucks at those but I can get some alright close ups


WOW! I love the aquascaping! And what are thoughs bubble looking things you posted alot of, I love em and have to get some now!