recomended crab for a 29 gallon reef tank



How long shoud I acclimate these guys.. I have to leave at 5:30.. its 4:50 now I added a cup of water to the bag a min ago and will do it again in 20 mins or so.... I will be gone for a few hours.. should I let them out of the bag before I go or should I leave them till I get home a few hours later..


bangguy, great pic
i just saw one of those for the 1st time at my lfs, it was really cool but they knew nothing about it not even a name except for " crab"

Whats it called and whats its care requirements

bang guy

Originally Posted by sufunk
Whats it called and whats its care requirements
It's a type of Porcelain Crab that doesn't use an Anemone as a host. They require a place to hide and a little food in the water column once in a while.


I put the two in last night, and now they are goneeee lol I will probably never see them again.. I have alot of rockwork for them to hide in..


Active Member
It's a shame so many people have had bad experiences with Emerald crabs. I've had nothing but luck with mine. All 8 of them have their own little areas they hide in until feeding time.