Recommend CUC ?


Alright, so I am going for a 55 gallon FOWLR with a 29 gallon sump. It's cycling now, and It's gettin pretty darn close, so I was wonderin what ya'll recommend for a clean up crew ? Crabs ? Snails? Shrimp ? Starfish ? Urchins ? Sea cucumbers ? I want the most attractive cuc possible, So please, tell me what you know ! Thanks Again.

bang guy

For a Cucumber I'd suggest a Tigertail or an Atlantic Black, not both.
For Snails I like a mix of Cerith, Nassarius vibex, Stomatella, Strombus maculatus, and a single Fighting Conch.
Pincushion Urchin or a long-spine.
No Starfish.
No Crabs.
A pair of Scarlet or Peppermint Cleaner Shrimp.
This is just my personal suggestion.


Active Member
One concern may be that in a brand new tank you won't have much for the clean up crew to eat, although algae will soon begin to grow, so you might want to wait just a little while before stocking a clean up crew. Crabs will eat snails-I've seen mine eating more than a few of them. I do still have some hermits, a sally lightfoot, and a couple of emerald crabs and my 55 gal reef tank seems to have plenty for them to do. I like the crabs because it's interesting to watch them move around and do their thing, even when they are eating snails

bang guy

Originally Posted by Emilaya101
Why do you say no starfish or crabs ? I love them

I say no Starfish just to irritate Ophiura

Just Kidding, small Brittle starfish are fine, even some of the larger Brittle Stars are fine. Regular Starfish are just too delicate in my opinion for a new hobbiest. Just the smallest accidental change in salinity can kill them. Most of them are also difficult or impossible to feed.
Crabs are predators. They don't play nice in a mixed tank. The only possible exception is the Porcelain Crab.


Well, My tank already has brown algae all over the ls and lr . So, could I get crabs instead of snails ? I just like them so much better :) Would the cleaning benifits be better with snails over crabs, though ? Now that I know about starfish, though, I'll prolly wait a while .....

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Emilaya101
Well, My tank already has brown algae all over the ls and lr . So, could I get crabs instead of snails ? I just like them so much better :) Would the cleaning benifits be better with snails over crabs, though ? Now that I know about starfish, though, I'll prolly wait a while .....
With diatoms, which is what you are dealing with if the LR and LS are turning are turning a brownish color; you are better served to go with snails, start with a few nassarius and asteria (turbo) snails ~ as your tank matures (i.e. over the next few months), you can continue to add snails and hermit crabs if you so desire.


if you do add a mixed CUC i add choped up silver sides to the tank so that my crabs always have something to eat. they dont tuch my snails at all. just enough to feed them. not enough to make a parameter change. do this like once a week..