Red Mushrooms


I got it... thinning out the herd nicely. tomorrow I'll be shipping out about 7 rocks with red shrooms to members. I'd much rather share with enthusiasts that can appreciate the time it takes to develop some of these beautiful tanks I've seen on this forum. You all have lots of advice and believe me, it has been helpful to me. I've been doing this for 20 years and have learned more on this forum than in the last 20 years without it. If you need red mushrooms, e-mail me at and I will send you some. I have had some way good trades on this forum and can't stress enough the importance of all memebers sharing information and livestock. it's a wonderful hobby!!


tuesday was a horrible day!! I bought thermoses and had addresses all printed up.....I got called into work for a senior management meeting and the rest of the day was shot. sorry...
THIS next week, I am taking a day off just to attend to my tanks. I have about three shipments to do and yours is one of them.
My e-mail is
sorry for the delay, I am a work a holic, I'm told...... I didin't want to take a chance of them sitting in a wareouse over the weekend!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fwildthing
tuesday was a horrible day!! I bought thermoses and had addresses all printed up.....I got called into work for a senior management meeting and the rest of the day was shot. sorry...
THIS next week, I am taking a day off just to attend to my tanks. I have about three shipments to do and yours is one of them.
My e-mail is
sorry for the delay, I am a work a holic, I'm told...... I didin't want to take a chance of them sitting in a wareouse over the weekend!

no problem just was worried that they were stuck in some other state or something. didnt want you to have another failed attempt. yea if you can send me a little more than what you did the first time and im sure ill be happy with that and ill hook you up when it comes to the rock. thanks very much for attempting this process again have a nice day


Originally Posted by seannmelly
no problem just was worried that they were stuck in some other state or something. didnt want you to have another failed attempt. yea if you can send me a little more than what you did the first time and im sure ill be happy with that and ill hook you up when it comes to the rock. thanks very much for attempting this process again have a nice day
my pleasure......


Active Member
Hey can I get my package next. Just shoot an e-mail with info so I can send you a shipping label.


short week!! sorry....
My job is long hours and big headaches... I had planned to take tuesday off last week but that was cancelled due to a Management meeting.
Monday AM for sure....I will notify each of you when they are shipped so you can let me know how long it takes to get to you.


got my mushrooms today and they are great. he goes out of his way above and beyond
i will ship you back mushrooms and live rock in your thermos monday


Active Member
Originally Posted by fwildthing
glad it worked...... now we have the system to ship mushrooms.... LOL
mail sent