Red "Powder" coming from Liverock


Maybe get 6 of each snail to start, remember you add things slowly....if the tang is only 1" it is ok for now...but you may as well start looking for a home for it....see if your LFS will take it back...maybe trade you for snails..
after adding the first snails, after a few days test your water...if all stays good, add some more....
what fish are you wanting for this tank?>


Originally Posted by bridgette_rae8
I believe I can get the RO/DI water from LFS so that is what I will do from now on. Is that water ready to go right into the tank after you mix it with salt when you do your water changes? I believe I ordered the 2 on the Koralie...what type/how many snails should I get? the tang is about 1 to 1.5 inches.

You replied while I typed up my above response.
YES, the RO/DI from your LFS can go right in your tank after mixing in salt. What salt do you use out of curiosity?
Luckily the tang is a baby, but like I said, ultimately he can't stay in a tank that size. I'd return him for store credit and get something that can, and there's a ton that can, but stay away from tangs, they grow fast and too big for your tank.
How often do you do water changes, and how much do you do?
we had a damsel and he was a mean little sucker so we took him back, he kept attacking the tang. I don't think I can take the tang back, he is still small though so maybe I can find a home for him before he gets much larger. Once I get the RO/DI water from the LFS though and add salt it is ok to put straight into the tank? Just wanted to make sure I understood correctly.
I am not sure what kind of other fish we will put in there...any ideas?:)


Active Member
You can, but it is best to have it prepared atleast a day beforehand. Use a powerhead to circulate and a heater...


Originally Posted by bridgette_rae8
we had a damsel and he was a mean little sucker so we took him back, he kept attacking the tang. I don't think I can take the tang back, he is still small though so maybe I can find a home for him before he gets much larger. Once I get the RO/DI water from the LFS though and add salt it is ok to put straight into the tank? Just wanted to make sure I understood correctly.
I am not sure what kind of other fish we will put in there...any ideas?:)
You need to mix your salt for 24 hours in a seperate container with a powerhead.....
there are MANY fish that are adequate for a 37G....think about what you want and we all can go from there
I sure did! Thanks all the help by the way! I use the oceanic salt. I do water changes about every 1-2 weeks, 5-10 gallons. Is that enough ?


Originally Posted by bridgette_rae8
I sure did! Thanks all the help by the way! I use the oceanic salt. I do water changes about every 1-2 weeks, 5-10 gallons. Is that enough ?
In my long as you are having no issues, yeah...that should be fine


We wait a day (over night is more like it) before adding the water to our tank, and have a little 5G heater to heat up our 5G bucket. We heat it up overnight and then add it the next morning, but I must admit, we have thrown the water right in the tank from time to time.
There are so many fish you can add to your tank so I'll just tell you what I did in my 40G:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Green Spotted Mandarin (your tank is too new for one)
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Dragon Goby (because we can't keep a diamond goby alive)
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
I really like blennies because of their personality so I highly recommend you get a blenny, and they're beneficial. Have you looked at any Anthias or dwarf angels?
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
We wait a day (over night is more like it) before adding the water to our tank, and have a little 5G heater to heat up our 5G bucket. We heat it up overnight and then add it the next morning, but I must admit, we have thrown the water right in the tank from time to time.
There are so many fish you can add to your tank so I'll just tell you what I did in my 40G:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Green Spotted Mandarin (your tank is too new for one)
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Dragon Goby (because we can't keep a diamond goby alive)
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
I really like blennies because of their personality so I highly recommend you get a blenny, and they're beneficial. Have you looked at any Anthias or dwarf angels?

Those are some good ideas. We started out with a damsel which we had for several weeks and then we put a clown in there. The clown didn't make, still not sure why but maybe I'll try again. I have heard that Angels can be rather agressive...but maybe that isn't true...?


Originally Posted by bridgette_rae8
Those are some good ideas. We started out with a damsel which we had for several weeks and then we put a clown in there. The clown didn't make, still not sure why but maybe I'll try again. I have heard that Angels can be rather agressive...but maybe that isn't true...?
I personally have never had trouble with my angel, great personality and easy to care for, but I've heard some horror stories from people as well. I've come to the conclusion that it's just luck of the draw. If you do decide to go with a dwarf angel, you can only do one and I'd add that fish last, that will help them be less aggressive. My angel eats out of my hand and doesn't bother anyone in the tank.


im not sure if some one mentioned this or not since i read through this thread quickly. when doing water top offs dont add salt to the RO/DI water. just straight water goes in! for water changes thats when you add the salt and let it mix for upto 24+ hours.


Well-Known Member

Hermit crabs love to eat brown algae, they will clean it right up. If your clown didn't make it...the damsel may have killed it, they are very mean...Later the damsel will bite you dawing blood everytime you put your hand in the tank....
Everyone seems to be doing well in the tank this morning so I went ahead and got 3 hermit crabs to help with the bloom. I will be putting them in here in a few minutes. I thought I would start with just 3 and go from there, I wonder if they will actually be able to make a difference...they arn't that big. Thank you all for the help on the bloom everyone!
I will have to look into the Angel fish, maby it just depends on the fish!
I did know that if I'm topping off I don't need to add salt, but I do if I'm actually changing water. I talked to the LFS this morning and they sell both the RO/DI water as well as RO/DI with salt so I think instead of using tap I will just get it from them from now on!
My guess was that the Damsel had somthing to do with the clown as well. Those darn damsels can be evil, of course, i'm sure it just depends on the fish with those as well. (Although they are more prone to be evil!


Active Member
i had the same problem in my 125 recently, i think the best thing to get is a diamond gubby, its a cool fish/ sand sifter. he eats the sand then spits it out threw the gills but he eats all the waste and diatoms, he cleaned up my sand in 2 days. pick one up
Good to know, I have looked into the goby's recently so now I know that they would be beneficial too! I just got hermit crabs and a shrimp this week though. Shouldn't I wait a little while before I add anything else (like a Goby?)
The hermit crabs are going to town on the diatom bloom. I woke up this morning to one fully cleaned rock. Even with just 3 little ones it has made a difference in less than 24 hours!! Now I just wish they would move on to the sand...
If I got snails they would only help with the glass right? I'm not a big fan of snails but I don't have any growth on the glass so I wasn't sure if they were necessary.


My Nassarius snails are lazy and barely move the sand, but every time I see them in the LFS they're going to town. The Ceriths seem to do a decent job, but mine are fairly small and I only have two in a 155G that came along as hitch hikers. Sand Sifting Star Fish is another option if you really don't like snails. (You should have some though). I'm not a snail lover either, but they are necessary to a good CUC.
BTW, from what I have read, Nassarius snails are carnivores and will not eat algae. Just a thought.



Originally Posted by BTLDreef
My Nassarius snails are lazy and barely move the sand, but every time I see them in the LFS they're going to town. The Ceriths seem to do a decent job, but mine are fairly small and I only have two in a 155G that came along as hitch hikers. Sand Sifting Star Fish is another option if you really don't like snails. (You should have some though). I'm not a snail lover either, but they are necessary to a good CUC.
BTW, from what I have read, Nassarius snails are carnivores and will not eat algae. Just a thought
BUT they do stir the sand which is just as important....this way excess nutrients are not just lying around...decaying...creating MORE algae


Very true.
I'd get a goby, some snails and a few hermits and a sand sifting starfish or two. My hermits eventually kill my snails for their shells. I don't mind since I'm not a snail fan myself and just let them declare war.