Red Stop Light Cardinal - Apogon erythrinus


I'm looking for anyone who owns these or has seen them in person? are they as pretty as the pictures show? I'm thinking of a small school of them for my 150.

bang guy

As a nocturnal fish you'll probably never see them. They only hunt at night and shelter in the day.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
As a nocturnal fish you'll probably never see them. They only hunt at night and shelter in the day.
Yea, I was worried about that as well. I'm really just looking for something small and colorful that I can get as a group. Blue/green chromis are just, well - boring! If I could find some true blue chromis, that would quench my desire for a group of something.

bang guy

A group of the "Blue-Eyed" Anthia (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) from this site would be excellent. They're a real flash of color and school well. One caution if you buy them from here, they call the Male a Lyretail and the female a Blue-Eye. Only get one male. Or better yet just get females so you can watch one turn male, it's pretty cool.
Blue-Eyed Cardinalfish (Apogon leptacanthus
) would also be perfect.


I do WANT Anthias, however, I"m not sure that I"m up to the feed 2 or 3 times a day regimen. I'm more a "feed 5 or 6 times a week" type person due to my work schedule. Will fish eat if my lights are off? (I generally feed in the evening when my lights are on) I could get up to feeding each and every evening if I enlisted the help of my kids, but twice a day with lights on would just be impossible.
Aren't the blue eyed cardinals nocturnal as well? Or do they stay out more during the day