Reef C e n t r a l GONE!!!!


Originally Posted by meowzer
HMMMM....I guess I must have missed out then...I was a member, but very rarely visitied the site....oh loss apparently
+1 I only visited the site once. I liked it OK, I just didn't feel like getting into a new site. I found this one first and just kind of stuck around.


Active Member
When's the last time, if ever, this site performed an Intrusion Detection scan on their systems? I do this for a living, so I know a lot of vulnerabilities exist on sites like these. Most hackers don't attack 'low profile' or 'low interest' web sites like small businesses or forums. They don't get the 'exposure' or 'headline worthy' statements in the media when they are attacked and compromised. I'd take a guess it was an inside job or a disgruntled member that caused the damage.
Disaster Recovery is one of the most important functions of any business IT department. Backing up critical data should be performed on a daily basis and stored at an off-site facility. If you have business-critical systems that will affect the operation of your business (web servers, database servers, etc.), redundant systems should be put into place. I preach this everyday to my customers, and provide examples just like this for why DR is important.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
When's the last time, if ever, this site performed an Intrusion Detection scan on their systems? I do this for a living, so I know a lot of vulnerabilities exist on sites like these. Most hackers don't attack 'low profile' or 'low interest' web sites like small businesses or forums. They don't get the 'exposure' or 'headline worthy' statements in the media when they are attacked and compromised. I'd take a guess it was an inside job or a disgruntled member that caused the damage.
Disaster Recovery is one of the most important functions of any business IT department. Backing up critical data should be performed on a daily basis and stored at an off-site facility. If you have business-critical systems that will affect the operation of your business (web servers, database servers, etc.), redundant systems should be put into place. I preach this everyday to my customers, and provide examples just like this for why DR is important.
I guess another reefing forum was hit with a similar attack a few days ago but was better prepaired for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I guess another reefing forum was hit with a similar attack a few days ago but was better prepaired for it.
If that's true, then I'd suggest SWF becomes proactive and insures all their critical data is backed up. I can't imagine why a hacker would be bouncing around reef forums. It's not part of their 'normal profile'. Sites like these don't provide them the 'big bang exposure' they'd get by trying to hack more popular and widely-known web sites.


Active Member
It is a drag but you gotta wonder what it would cost to put all that back together. Is there really enough money in this to make it worth it?
It isn't like there aren't enough other forums around to pick up the slack. Just a drag about the loss of that huge database.


Well, I never got any benefit from their huge database. Not that it wasn't there, but everytime I attempted a search, it said I had to pay money and be a sponsor...
I had about 50 posts there, all in my own reef club forum, all else not so user friendly IMO...
I understand that there was prolly a lot of info, but a lot of people never had access...

Sucks for my reef club though, that's the only place they ever really posted anything.


Originally Posted by green machine
i agree, really sucks about not having the tbrc reef forum anymore. maybe we can get one togeather else where?
Maybe the tbrc forum! That's always been a novel idea IMO...


Active Member
The only time I really ever used it was for my local reef club as well. For the most part I found the posters in the main sections really arrogant and condescending


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Well, I never got any benefit from their huge database. Not that it wasn't there, but everytime I attempted a search, it said I had to pay money and be a sponsor...
I had about 50 posts there, all in my own reef club forum, all else not so user friendly IMO...
I understand that there was prolly a lot of info, but a lot of people never had access...

Sucks for my reef club though, that's the only place they ever really posted anything.
The search button at the top of the page never worked for me either, however on the home page on the menu on the left side there was a search that always worked, did not have to be a paid member either.


To the folks spreading rumors and making up quotes, it's pretty sad when you have to resort to lying to try and get members.
Slander and libel are pretty serious things.


Active Member
Those of you who think it wasn't a loss didn't use the site to it's full potential. The data, trials and research over there is amazing. It's easy as pie to search, if you paid for the 25 bucks a year subscription, which I did because it was worth it. I don't believe there was a time when I had a question, searched it and by goodness if there wasn't a thread already going over what I was wondering.
Now, I didn't participate over there like I do here and on other forums, I didn't really find it to be that kind of community. They had their share of idiots, as do all forums, but they WAY more many active members from all over the world so it would go to reason they would have an even greater number of idiots. I hung in the aggressive fish section, and that forum is very smooth and civil. I avoided the rest.
That forum was a timeline of the hobby, where we were when we started to the awesome advances of today. I was mainly a reader, not a participator, but to me it was a invaluable reference.
Does that mean I would pick there over here? No, totally not. It's a completely different entity as I utilized it.
Originally Posted by reefraff
It is a drag but you gotta wonder what it would cost to put all that back together. Is there really enough money in this to make it worth it?
Current sponsorship is 400 bucks a month. Then you have all the paid subscriptions. Ya, it's worth it when the overhead is so small.
Originally Posted by reefraff

Free at last free at last thank god almighty I am free at last!!!
I'm honestly not trying to be rude, but if you don't type in the URL.... you'd be "free at last" a long time ago.


Originally Posted by spanko
The search button at the top of the page never worked for me either, however on the home page on the menu on the left side there was a search that always worked, did not have to be a paid member either.
I stand corrected...

I kinda wish I'd have known that before, but as it stands, I don't have as much to miss...