reef crystals


Active Member
did a water change yesterday, and checked what the cal. levels were on the reef crystals I was using. At 1.026sg the cal was at 320. I've been having problems keeping cal. levels up so I went with the reef crystals because I thought it would have better levels.
Is this normal for reef crystals? If so what salt mix would have a good level of cal.?

bang guy

Originally Posted by ameno
did a water change yesterday, and checked what the cal. levels were on the reef crystals I was using. At 1.026sg the cal was at 320. I've been having problems keeping cal. levels up so I went with the reef crystals because I thought it would have better levels.
Is this normal for reef crystals? If so what salt mix would have a good level of cal.?

Can you list your saltmixing proceedure in fine detail for me? Perhaps you're losing Calcium during the mixing.


Active Member
use Di water, add salt and stirr until I get the right SG. then add a power head and heater for 24 hour min. I checked about an hour into mixing and then 24 hours later. Still at 320.


Active Member
all together I did three test to make sure I hadden't messed up on the testing, I used the seachem test kit and also tried a api test kit, both read close to the same.


Active Member
I had the same problem with my last bag of Reef Crystals so I returned it to my fish store after using only 5 cups of salt. At the same time I found out the RO water I was buying from Wal-Mart contained TDS. So I bought 15 gallons of saltwater from my trusted LFS and they use Reef Crystals as well. Surprise surprise the calcium only came out at 360...slightly better but lower than I would expect...maybe 400 or 420.
Calcium was tested with a salifert kit and a refractometer for salinity.


Active Member
Yea I had heard there were some bad batches, I guess I got a bag. I'm getting ready to order a large bucket of salt so now I just need to figure out which is really best.


Active Member
Is there a safe calcium buffer that always gives good results? I also have reef crystals and will be making saltwater soon.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Kevin34
Is there a safe calcium buffer that always gives good results? I also have reef crystals and will be making saltwater soon.

Calcium chloride. Don't add it into your new saltwater, mix it with your topoff water and add it that way.


Active Member
I read somewhere (maybe LionCrazz's 101 tips) that calcium powder is much better than calcium liquid. I use Kent's liquid now but will be trying the powder when this bottle runs out.


Active Member
I added the kent turbo cal. to my mix to get the cal. up to 400. it's ok to do that as long as your alk. is were it is suppose to be.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ameno
Yea I had heard there were some bad batches, I guess I got a bag. I'm getting ready to order a large bucket of salt so now I just need to figure out which is really best.
Tropic Marin Pro Reef:
Cal ~ 450
Alk ~ 8.5
Mag ~ 1380
PM me if you need particulars.


Active Member
has anyone tried the coralife marine salt? I check on some testing that was done on a lot of different salt mixes and this seemed to come out with the best all around results


not a big fan of instant ocean salt...but i bought some reef crystals to give it another shot to see if it will do any better the second time


After two years of using Instant Ocean I too switched to Reef Crystals, I am on my third five gallon bucket and I can say the result are beter than IO but still fall short.
Calcium consistantly at 360 - 380, Alk at 130 - 140 ppm CaCO3, and magnesium at 1150 - 1180. I have been researching and found posted results are the best for Trop Marin Pro.
Until I run out I am adding Kents Turbo Calcium, Superbuffer dKH, and magnesium. I just recieved my first batch of Kents Kalkwasser and this weekend I intend to play with level until they are Ca 460, Alk 200 ppm, and magnesium 1350 - 1380. Once there I will begin dripping Kalkwasser evenings to replace evaporated water and see if I can keep the drops from occuring.
Overall yes Reef Crystals falls short of the mark for me!


that is the thing with red sea coral dont have to add calcium because it is always about 460 or 500