Reef Eel?


Active Member
well thats good, i want to start with a really small one, like yours because ive neverkept any eels or anything aggressive besides a tang


Mine is awesome!! He is the coolest, besides triggers. He is tame and ate from my hand the third day that I got him! Really cool and extremely hardy. They do produce TONS of waste though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mitzel
I ordered Mine from this site and it was a nice looking eel. Its in my 125 gallon reef along with snails, crabs, shrimp, clowns , Blue damsel, niger trigger ,anemonie, and some zoo's. He just hangs out at one end of the tank unless its feeding time when he comes out and swims around. Definatly make sure you have a lid , Mine whent surfing last week during feeding. I hand feed mine . I think this will help keep it melow so its used to me being up close and doesnt take a nip at me.
SPACE GEEK: Did you get bit by a SFE?
Yep. I am TERRIFIED of them now, but I still kinda want another. I had to go to the ER, it was bad news.


I used to hand feed my eel, 2' he would on occasion bite my hand, i never had to decapitate him...
I would have his mouth print, in pin pricks though...
but always let go
It not so bad really



Active Member
really? what kind of eel? how big? did it draw any blood? mine drew a HELL of a lot of blood, like I said, I had to go to the ER.


it was about 2'
he was more interested in the peice of shrimp than my hand,
he never bit me out of rage or agression, so these bite stories are quite different.
when he bit me he would let go right away, but just left pin pricks little bit of blood.
im sure there are mean ones out there, space ghost, ouch! thats gotta suck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oozy
it was about 2'
he was more interested in the peice of shrimp than my hand,
he never bit me out of rage or agression, so these bite stories are quite different.
when he bit me he would let go right away, but just left pin pricks little bit of blood.
im sure there are mean ones out there, space ghost, ouch! thats gotta suck!
oh, it sucked all right! And Connor, u got LUCKY!


I HAND FEED MY SNOWFLAKE EEL :scared:. However He is only 10". Once he lits about 20" I'll stop hand feeding him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nickfish
I HAND FEED MY SNOWFLAKE EEL :scared:. However He is only 10". Once he lits about 20" I'll stop hand feeding him.
after my experience, I dont think if I ever got another that I would purposefully put my hand near its mouth. He probably wouldnt bite, but because it happened to me once, I would probably not hand feed mine. Although when I got bit I was scraping algae, not hand feeding.


Active Member
I know that now, but this was when I was 9, 4 years ago. I didnt know there was such a thing, plus I did have an algae magnet that I normally used (not a magfloat) but I couldnt get the algae near the sand without the magnet picking up sand and scratching my glass, so I had to do it by hand and for some reason, he decided my hand was food and took a decent size chunk out of my hand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nickfish
BTW, is it true that when an eel bites it latches on and its hard to make it let go?
Yes, it is VERY true. Luckily, I was able to shake mine off, but only after it had flesh in its mouth. Many times, if it bites u good, u will be forced to decapitate it and pry its jaws off where ever it bit you.


well, im sure we all have different experiences,
however if you think about evolution...
do you really think that a fish would sarcafice its life for an agression/warning bite.
I dont.
Yeah it may do damage, but bottom line is anything that happens in our aquariums is assumed responsibility.
If you decide to hand feed your eel, chances are at one time or another you WILL get bit.
honestly, any creature would rather save its own life than have a bite that cant be reversed.
seriously now, please,
we are all getting off the origional subject.
to awnser your origional question,
NO, ribbion eels dont usualy eat in captivity, espicaly in small aquariums. = most die.
SnowFlakes are relitivaly easy, and yes you can have them.
yes they will eat anything they can fit in their mouths, when they are hungery.
and you can get one at any size and be relitivly successful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
I was at the lfs yesterday and they had a really small snowflake eel. Could i keep a snowflake or ribbon eel safely in my reef? 55 gallon by the way
Many people say they can't keep keep snails or crabs with their eels but I have pretty good luck with my snowflake eel.
I make sure he is well fed and he has a varied diet all soaked in Garlic Extreme if frozen. Occassionally, (I know someone is going to flame me for this) he gets a live goldfish. Mostly though, I want my eel to associate the garlic smell with food so he leaves my little creatures at the bottom of the tank alone. So far it has worked.
I won't say everyone has the luck I have had but this is my experience.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
hmmm, ok, well i think i could risk my crabs a nd cleaner shrimp. but a have 2 small green chromis, a coral beauty, and a small tomatoe clown (the female is like 5 inches though). do you think he would eat those fish?
i wanted to try and buy a very small one and see how it goes. the one i saw at the store was about as thick as a sharpie. it was really cool and beautiful.
I can pretty much tell you it is a guarantee that he is going to go after the green chromis. I had a small school (small in size of their body) of them when I first got the eel thinking I could put them in the tank.
WRONG! They became dinner one by one. For a long time he didn't get goldfish. I would think your clown would also follow the same fate as my chromis school did.
The rule of thumb I read somewhere is if he can fit it in his mouth forget about about it. Since mine is 16 inches long and can open his mouth almost as wide as the end of the cap of a highlighter (wide sized) pen cap, I won't put anything small in the tank when it comes to fish.
For some reason he leaves the snails and the crabs a lone - thank God!
Denise M.